Annual Meeting Minutes

Updated October 14, 2023


Annual Meeting Minutes - September 15, 2022

The 2022 annual subdivision meeting was held on September 15, 2022 in Room 101 of the Chesterfield Government Center. Trustees Jim Spillers, Jon Gehbauer and Kim Alberici were present as were representatives of the following households:

Torry, Williams, Moen, Lowenstein, Morrison, Russo, Pullen, Herrell, Wasserman, Falast, Klein, Meyers, Sadhale, Cooke, Kiley, Liu, Stein, Kernan, and Vafadar, Gehbauer; plus, Wiesenthal (via ZOOM) 29 people in all.

The Trustees reported the following:

1. The meeting was being broadcast as a ZOOM conference as well using Ron Wiesenthal's PC and Zoom account. Thanks to Ron.

2. The new Royalwood website was briefed by Jim Spillers. Recommendations for improvement are welcome.

3. The Financial Report for August 1, 2021 -July 31 2022 was briefed by Jim Spillers.

4, The August 2022 invoice mailings were briefed by Jon Gehbauer. The fees increase was briefed and discussed. Collections from 53 homeowners is complete and reminders to the remaining 9 will be completed by September 30.

5. Discussion of the 3 rental properties was led by Jon Gehbauer. Correspondence will go out to the absentee landlords to remind them of their obligation to keep their rental properties well maintained externally particularly as pertains to the lawn, trees, etc. and as far as window treatments and other internal accessories visible from the outside. Refer to Ordinance 2268 and the addition of Section 21-76 to said ordinance.

6. The need for an update to the 40 year-old subdivision indentures. A 5-person committee composed of Dorothy Cook, Heidi Bhatia, Karen Wasserman. Tina Sclair-Stein, and Ron Meyers has been appointed to formulate alternatives and improvements to the indentures.

7. A similar committee to the one mentioned above has been appointed to the subdivision monuments and circle repair. That committee is composed of James Williams, Dennis Falast. Michelle Klein and Tina Sclair-Stein.

8. Kim Alberici is going to research the mechanics of implementing a neighborhood watch program to help us deal with the on-going crime prevention effort in the city.

9. The results of the September 13 Trustee meeting with Mary Ann Mastorakos and Jim Eckrich was duiscussed led by Jon and Jim. Subjects discussed will be summarized in a separate document and published on the website. Topics discussed included the failure to obtain a sound wall, home maintenance, development of the contiguous property to the west of Royalwood, sidewalk and street repair, tree removal and replacement along the outer road, and the deer management program.

Other discussions included:

1. Bee management.

2. The subdivision directory.

3. Erosion along the outer road.

4. Critter control and debris removal along the creek.

5. Royalwood's plat of non-contiguous common ground as it pertains to the development going on to the west.

6. Grass cutting and trash removal along Interstate 40/64.

7. Utilizing the city's yard waste removal program to get rid of grass clippings and leaves as opposed to dumping them at or near the creek.

The meeting was adjourned about 8:45 PM.

Thanks to all for attending and participating.

NOTE: If any homeowner has corrections to these minutes, please contact Jon Gehbauer at 

Subdivision Mtg Notes - September 20, 2023

The 2023 annual subdivision meeting was held on September 20 2023 in Room 101 of the Chesterfield Government Center. Trustees Jim Spillers, Jon Gehbauer and Kim Alberici were present as were representatives of the following households:

Russo, Wasserman, Falast, Klein, Cooke, Suchko, Bhatia, Miederhoff, Kiley, Sclair-Stein, Kernan, and Burkhart. 20 people in all.

1. The meeting opened with an update from City Council members Mary Ann Mastorakos and Aaron Wahl.

2. The Royalwood website, was briefed by Jim Spillers. Advised all users to put the URL in their favorites list to avoid having to type it in every time they access it. With the help of Brett Burkhart we will provide an alternate site,, as an another way of accessing the site. Recommendations for improvement are always welcome.

Kim will set up a Facebook page for the subdivision. Jim will put a link to it on the website.

3. The Financial Report for August 1 2022 - July 31 2023 was briefed by Jim Spillers. We have $11,828.51 in our account. Copies of the financial report were distributed to all attendees. Expenditures for grass cutting, tree removal, and electricity usage were explained.

4. Fees status for 2022 and 2023 was briefed by Jim Spillers. 100% of fees were collected for 2022. The last one was collected in March, 2023 after a lien was filed. 51 checks have been collected for 2023. We will send out reminder emails  to those who have not paid. Digital versions of the indentures have been sent out to all who requested them with payment of their fees.

5. We now have 4 rental properties in the subdivision. 1526 WRW is a new one. Mr. Xiao Mi moved to California and is renting as a result. It is believed that he is renting to a single family, but we will confirm that. 

6. The Indentures update is in legal review. Roger Wallach and Associates has been retained for the review. Status for the review is due by October 6. 

7. We are going to proceed into the evaluation of the proposals for monument replacement at the subdivision entrances. This was going to be our next priority item, but it will most likely be affected by a letter we received from MSD in August which will be explained later in the minutes (item 9 below). Status of both items will be periodically be posted to the website. 

8. All attendees/homeowners not present were/will be asked for email and phone number changes so they can be incorporated into the subdivision directory.

9. We received a letter from MSD, Subject: Failure to Maintain Private Stormwater Detention Basin dtd 19 August 2023. The letter contains paragraphs on maintenance findings, corrective actions and required response from the Trustees on the subject basin, which is located in one of our plats of common ground. The complexity of this task will necessitate a delay in the time it will take to evaluate proposals on the monument replacements described above in item 7.

10. Further discussion ensued on the subjects of The Legends at Schoettler Pointe, the September 13 Trustee Symposium, the circles on Royal Crest and Woodroyal Court, new Homeowners and the LawnMasters contract for grass cutting. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.
