
Certifications are different vehicle licenses and require you to pass a course, setup by a Certification Supervisor. There is no training provided for this, so you will need to train yourself in the skills that you need to pass. Each course has a list of things you will be tested on during the Certification. When passed, you will be allowed to operate the vehicle(s) that you have passed the certification to. You can find more information about this below.

A Certification will involve different tests. Each test will be judged on a 3-point scale; Not Satisfactory, Satisfactory & Excellent. To pass, you must get at least 'Satisfactory' on every test. Should you fail your first try, you will get a 2nd try. On this second try, you only have to do the thing you failed on. Should you fail your second try, you must wait at least 3 days before applying for the same certification again.

Light Armor Certification

Pte +

Heavy Armor Certification

Pte +

Light Armor Certification has several categories of vehicles within: IFVs, APCs, LAVs and such are all under Light Armor. These vehicles are meant to carry troops and fight different types of infantry or light vehicles. These are often also used as respawn vehicles.

Heavy Armor, also known as Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) are large, heavy vehicles, meant for engaging other armored threats. With a large main gun and several smaller guns, they can engage any ground targets on great distances.


FV432/3 Bulldog (GPMG)

FV510 Warrior


Anti-Infantry Combat

Anti-Vehicle Combat

Field Repairs


FV4030 Challenger 2


Driving & Maneuvering

Anti-Vehicle Combat

Field Repairs

Rotor-wing Certification

Prf +

Fixed-wing Certification

Prf +

Rotor-winged vehicles (or Helicopters) are large vehicles with rotating blades. This certification includes both attack and transport helicopters. The Pilot of a helicopter has freedom to choose their own arsenal on-board the helicopter, as long as it fits the mission ahead.

Fixed-winged vehicles (or Planes) are fast-moving airborne vehicles with a varying arsenal of bombs, guns and rockets. The pilot will determine the weaponry on their own plane before mission start, and has freedom to pick any arsenal of weapons they like.


Apache AH1

Wildcat AH1

Merlin H3 18 GPMG


Take-off and Landing

Cargo Handling

Close Air Support (CAS)

Combat Flight


F35-B Lightning II

Harrier GR.9

Hercules C4


Take-off and Landing

Cargo Handling

Close Air Support (CAS)

Combat Flight

FAC Certification

Prf +

Forward Air Controllers (FAC) are specialists who provide a vital link between air and ground forces. Their primary roles include communication with aerial vehicles for support, as well as manual maneuvering and controlling of drones for easier airstrikes.


MQ-9 Reaper


Take-off and Landing


Close Air Support (CAS)