Drill Assistant



The role of the Drill Assistant is important, however straightfoward. As a Drill Assistant you will find yourself helping with recruitment, introducing and guiding new members, and depending on proficiency, also assisting and conducting in Basic Training sessions.

In the end, new members will go into the sections themselves, boosting your own experience in the field with functional numbers and keeping the unit up and running. The more help on this front, the better, to improve our efficiencty of 'catching' prospective members, which has, and will grow our community, objectively improving the experience for everyone.


Step 1: Application

You apply via the form on the right. A Senior Drill Instructor will review your application and decide if you should proceed or not.

Step 2: Drill and Recruitment Training

Here you will be contacted and be helped on your way. You will be instructed in our methods of recruitment and be taught how to perform Basic Training Sessions.


Cpl. Lisbidahorse, Drill Instructor