Term 4

What are we doing this term?

Inquiry - Shadows and Light

Maths - Fractions, Equal sharing, Addition and subtraction, volume and capacity

Writing - Recount of experiences

Reading - Predicting, Making Connections, Inferring, Summarising/Retelling

Art - Calendar Art

P.E - Athletics, Swimming

Important Notices:


A reminder that it is recommended that children walk together with a friend, sibling or parent to and from school if they are not part of the walking school bus. This ensures their safety and your peace of mind.

Library day - Tuesdays. Books may be kept for 2 weeks.

Homework and Spelling - given out and tested on THURSDAYS - will be available on this site.

News - This term instead of news, your child will come home with a 'What is it bag' on their day (only once or twice this term). Instructions are attached to the bag.

Homework for Week 7

Homework for Week 6

R5 HomeworkTerm 4 Week 7
Rm5 HomeworkTerm 4 Week 6

Learning in Week 5

This week we made Monster Soup! The monsters were having a competition to see who could make the most horrible soup, so we made our own and then used some amazing wow words to convince the Monster Judges why they would love (or hate!) our soup the most!

When we made it we added a lot of very disgusting ingredients like bad breath (garlic), brown dirt (cocoa powder), skin flakes (cereal) and brains/eyeballs (berries).

Come in and read about our concoctions either on the window or in the classroom, they're pretty gruesome!

Yucky Eyeball Soup

Crunchy Eyeballs and Brain Soup

Mouldy Brain Soup

Rm5 HomeworkTerm 4 Week 5.docx

Homework for Week 4

Rm5 HomeworkTerm 4 Week 4

Learning in Week 3

This week we were scientists and made 'Cool Bombs'. We called them that because they started warm and ended cold. We put baking soda, citric acid, and water in a bag and then watched what happened. We used lots of science words to describe what happened during the experiment.

Homework for Week 3

Rm5 HomeworkTerm 4 Week 3.docx

Learning in Week 2

Mrs Ryder has had some helpers in gardening club. Look what they grew!

"We planted some seeds and then watched them sprout. Next the carrots grew bigger and bigger and finally we got to pull them out and eat them!"

Homework for Week 2

Rm5 HomeworkTerm 4 Week 2

Learning in Week 1

We did some great learning in Week 1! Our favourite part was getting to publish our stories, either on the iPads or into our class publishing book. Come in one day and see our cool stories!

We made sure we copied them very carefully from our writing book and made sure to edit them for capital letters and full stops.