Artificial Intelligence

OK. with the development and AI-tool offerings, I just had to give this future-of-everything a page of its own...

LLMs (Large Language Models) for Research


NotebookLM is an AI-powered tool from Google (still in Google Labs' "Experiment" phase) designed to assist with note-taking and research. I found it much more on-point than other LLMs in critically analyzing (hence helping me in my thinking and understanding of) any uploaded document. 

In this example, I uploaded my CV and Educational Philosophy documents and tried to get a better understanding of who I come across through these documents, and find ways to bring more of myself into them. I thought the AI did a great job identifying areas I haven't thought about (like adding "next steps" to my educational philosophy). 

And... as a bonus, I made a 10-minute podcast (created by the AI in 2 minutes...) to help me feel good about myself 😆

The podcast...

Ronen's Edu Stuff- NotebookLM Podcast- Full.mp3

LLMs (Large Language Models) for App Design

Poetry Chatbot:

Who doesn't like deep and enlightening conversations about poetry? Well, now you can! Using the LLM AI Poe app, I created this chatbot that suggests and discusses great poetry with anyone who cares to listen. I wrote about it here.

CGI (Computer Graphic Imagery)

Using WonderDynamics' AI-powered animation tool (while still in beta) was an incredibly simple way to turn humans into other entities. Here you can find some of the projects that did work... :-)