Peer-Reviewed Publications

(for publication metrics, see my profile on ResearchGate, Google Scholar, and ORCID)

*: these authors contributed equally

† indicates a graduate student or PhD candidate that I supervised

Under review

Maudet S., Brusse T., Poss B., Caro G.*, Marrec R.* (under review) Estimating landscape intensity through farming practices: an integrative and flexible approach to modelling farming intensity from field to landscape. Ecological Modelling. (preprint available here)

Lalechère E., Marrec R., Lenoir J. (submitted) A non-equilibrium species distribution model to estimate the time lag extent in response to past environmental change trajectories. Ecology Letters.

Gril E., Spicher F., Vanderpoorten A., Gallet-Moron E., Brasseur B., Le Roux V., Laslier M., Decocq G., Marrec R.*, Lenoir J.* (under review) Some like it buffered: the response of vascular plants and bryophytes to forest microclimate. Journal of Ecology.

Kamenova S.*, Marrec R.*, Tougeron K.* (under review) Gut microbiome divergence in four closely co-occurring species of generalist predators. Agricultural and Forest Entomology.

Published/In press


Boetzl F.A., Sponsler D., Albrecht M., Batáry P., Birkhofer K., Knapp M., Krauss J., Maas B., Martin E.A., Sirami C., Sutter L., Bertrand C., Bosem Baillod A., Bota G., Bretagnolle V., Brotons L., Frank T., Fusser M., Giralt D., González E., Hof A., Luka H., Marrec R., Nash M.A., Ng K., Plantegenest M., Poulin B., Siriwardena G.M., Tscharntke T., Tschumi M., Vialatte A., Van Vooren L., Zubair-Anjum M., Entling M.H., Steffan-Dewenter I., Schirmel J. (2024) Distance functions of carabid richness and density in crop fields depend on functional traits, crop type and adjacent habitat: a synthesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. PDF

Brusse T.†, Lenoir J., Boisset N.†, Spicher F., Dubois F., Caro G.*, Marrec R.* (2024) Mechanistically mapping near-surface temperature in the understory of temperate forests: A validation of the microclima R package against empirical observations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 346: 109894. PDF 

Brusse T., Thénard J., Marrec R.*, Caro G.* (2024) Assessing the drivers of grassland arthropod community composition: integrating landscape-scale farming intensity and local environmental conditions. Science of the Total Environment. 930: 172754. PDF

Brusse T., Tougeron K., Barbottin A., Henckel L., Dubois F., Marrec R.*, Caro G.* (2024) Considering farming management at the landscape scale: descriptors and trends on biodiversity. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 44: 30. DOI: 10.1007/s13593-024-00966-4.

Gril E., Spicher F., Vanderpoorten A., Vital G., Brasseur B., Gallet-Moron E., Le Roux V., Decocq G., Lenoir J.*, Marrec R.* (2024) Can we infer forest microclimate temperature from plant community composition using ecological indicator values? Journal of Vegetation Science. 35(2): e13241. PDF


Caro G., Marrec R., Auguste C., Barbottin A. (2023) Carabid assemblages differ in species composition but have similar taxonomic and diet-based functional dynamics between crop types. BioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2023.02.14.528449. PDF

Gril E., Laslier M., Gallet-Moron E., Durrieu S., Spicher F., Le Roux V., Brasseur B., Haesen S., Van Meerbeek K., Decocq G., Lenoir J.*, Marrec R.* (2023) Using airborne LiDAR to map forest microclimate temperature buffering or amplification. Remote Sensing of Environment. 298: 113820. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2023.113820.

Gril E., Spicher F., Greiser C., Ashcroft MB., Pincebourde S., Durrieu S., Nicolas M., Richard B., Decocq G., Lenoir R.*, Marrec R.* (2023) Slope and equilibrium: a parsimonious and flexible approach to model microclimate. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14: 885-897. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.14048. PDF

Lagneau L., Le Lann C., Tougeron K., Canard E., Marrec R., Plantegenest M., Le Ralec A., van Baaren J.*, Tricault Y.*  (2023) Intérêt des bandes fleuries pour le contrôle biologique des pucerons vecteurs des jaunisses de la betterave sucrière. Innovations Agronomiques.


Lenoir J., Gril E., Durrieu S., Horen H., Laslier M., Lembrechts J., Zellweger F., Alleaume S., Brasseur B., Buridant J., Dayal K., De Frenne P., Gallet-Moron E., Marrec R., Van Meerbeek K., Meeussen C., Rocchini D., Decocq G. (2022) Unveil the unseen: Using LiDAR to capture time-lag dynamics in the herbaceous layer of European temperate forests. Journal of Ecology 110 (2): 282-300. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13837. PDF

Marrec R., Brusse T., Caro G. (2022) Biodiversity-friendly agricultural landscapes—integrating farming practices and spatiotemporal dynamics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37(9): 731-733. DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2022.05.004

Tougeron K., Couthouis E., Marrec R., Barascou L., Baudry J., Boussard H., Burel F., Couty A., Doury G., Francis C., Hecq F., Le Roux V., Pétillon J., Spicher F., Hance T., van Baaren J. (2022) Multi-scale approach to biodiversity proxies of biological control services and disservices in European farmlands. Science of the Total Environment 822: 153569. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153569. PDF


De Frenne P., Lenoir J., Luoto M., Scheffers BR., Zellweger F., Aalto J., Ashcroft MB., Christiansen DM., Decocq G., De Pauw K., Govaert S., Greiser C., Gril E., Hampe A., Jucker T., Klinges D., Koelemeijer IA., Lembrechts JJ., Marrec R., Meeussen C., Ogee J., Tyystjärvi V., Vangansbeke P., Hylander K. (2021) Forest microclimates and climate change: importance, drivers and future research agenda. Global Change Biology 27 (11): 2279-2297. PDF

Marrec R.*, Gross N.*, Badenhausser I., Dupeyron A., Caro G., Bretagnolle V., Roncoroni M., Gauffre B.* (2021) Functional traits of carabid beetles reveal seasonal variation in community assembly in annual crops. bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2021.02.04.429696. PDF

Marrec R., Le Roux V., Martin L., Lenoir J., Brunet J., Cousins SAO., De Smedt P., Deconchat M., Diekmann M., Ehrmann S., Gallet-Moron E., Giffard B., Liira J., Lindgren J., Valdes A., Verheyen K., Wulf M., Decocq G. (2021) Multiscale drivers of carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in small European woodlands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30(1): 165-182 DOI: 10.1111/geb.13208. PDF


Marrec R., Abdel Moniem HE., Iravani M., Hricko B., Kariyeva J., Wagner HH. (2020) Conceptual framework and uncertainty analysis for large scale, species-agnostic modelling of landscape connectivity across Alberta, Canada. Scientific Reports 10:6798 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-63545-z. PDF


Le Roux V., Marrec R., De Montbrun M., Macé V., Decocq G., Spicher F. (2019) Mouvement du carabe forestier en paysage agricole fragmenté par radiotracking. Actes du 2nd Séminaire Entomologique des Hauts de France (15-16 October 2018 Senlis, France), p. 26-28.


Marrec R., Pontbriand-Paré O., Legault S., James PMA. (2018) Spatio-temporal variation in drivers of parasitoid metacommunity structure in continuous forest landscapes. Ecosphere 9(1) DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2075. PDF


Marrec R., Caro G., Miguet P., Badenhausser I., Plantegenest M., Vialatte A., Bretagnolle V., Gauffre B. (2017) Spatiotemporal dynamics of the agricultural landscape mosaic drives the distribution and abundance of dominant carabid beetles. Landscape Ecology 32(12): 2383-2398. PDF


Caro G., Marrec R., Gauffre B., Roncoroni M., Augiron S., Bretagnolle V. (2016) Multi-scale effects of agri-environment schemes on carabid beetles in intensive farmland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 229: 48-56. PDF


Marrec R., Badenhausser I., Bretagnolle V., Börger L., Roncoroni M., Guillon N., Gauffre B. (2015) Crop succession and habitat preferences drive the distribution and abundance of carabid beetles in an agricultural landscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 199: 282-289. PDF


Marrec R., Ruault S., Ribout C., Plantegenest M., Gauffre B. (2014) Isolation and characterization of eleven polymorphic microsatellite markers from the beneficial carabid beetle Poecilus cupreus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), and genetic structure among three Western France populations. European Journal of Entomology 111(5): 726-729. PDF

Conference Presentations

*: these authors contributed equally

†: indicates a graduate student or PhD candidate that I supervised

The presenter's name is underlined



Chairman and Organizer with H. Wagner of the Symposium "Using Human Modification to Model Connectivity in Multifunctional Landscapes for Conservation Planning" at the 2018 Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Meeting (Guelph, ON, Canada). 

Invited Presentations


Marrec R., Abdel Moniem HE., Iravani M., Kariyeva J., Hricko B., Gray C., Solymos P., Azeria E., Wagner HH. (2019) Quantifying landscape connectivity and its impact on biodiversity in Alberta, Canada. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL). Zurich, Switzerland. 

Conference Talks


Leroy V.†, Decocq G., Noirot-Cosson PE., Marrec R. (2024) Effects induced by solar panels on soil fertility in an agricultural field context. Agrivoltaics 2024. Denver, Colorado, USA.


Brusse T.†, Thénard, J., Marrec R., Caro G. (2023) Impacts des pratiques agricoles à l’échelle paysagère sur les communautés de macro-invertébrés en prairies permanentes. Colloque du Réseau PAYOTE. Paris, France.

Denoirjean T., Le Lann C., Marrec R. (2023) Impact des infrastructures agroécologiques sur la présence de pucerons vecteurs de la jaunisse de la betterave, selon le climat et le type de paysage avoisinant les parcelles. Rencontres du réseau BAPOA. Lyon, France.

Gril E., Spicher F., Vanderpoorten A., Laslier M., Gallet-Moron E., Le Roux V., Brasseur B., Decocq G., Lenoir J.*, Marrec R.* (2023) How do forest bryophytes and vascular plants respond to microclimatic processes? International Association for Vegetation Science 65th Annual Symposium. Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia.

Lalechère E., Marrec R., Lenoir J. (2023) How  far back in time do we need to go? Modelling the dependance of current species to land-use and climate change over time. ESA Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon, USA.


Brusse T.†, Tougeron K., Barbottin A., Henckel L., Dubois F., Caro G.*, Marrec R.* (2022) Impact of farming management at the landscape scale on biodiversity: a literature review. International Congress of Ecology & Evolution SFE² – GfÖ – EEF. Metz, France.

Hein C., Marrec R., Wagner HH. (2022) Scale-dependent factors drive joint species distributions of wild bees in Alberta, Canada. IALE-North American Annual Meeting. Riverside, CA, USA.

Gril E., Spicher F., Greiser C., Ashcroft MB., Decocq G., Durrieu S., Marrec R., Nicolas M., Pincebourde S., Richard B., Lenoir J. (2022) Slope & equilibrium: a parsimonious approach to model microclimate. Microclimate Ecology & Biogeography Conference. Antwerp, Belgium.

Lenoir J., Gril E., Spicher F., Ashcroft MB., Greiser C., De Frenne P., Lembrechts JJ., Haesen S., Van Meerbeek K., Gallet-Moron E., Laslier M., Marrec R. (2022) Opportunities and challenges in using airborne LiDAR data to model microclimate in temperate deciduous forests. Microclimate Ecology & Biogeography Conference. Antwerp, Belgium.

Spicher F., Gril E., Mahier H., Demailly H., Marrec R., Lenoir J. (2022) Of sensors and intercalibrations: The need for standardized protocols and consequences on microclimate studies relying on low-cost   temperature sensors. Microclimate Ecology & Biogeography Conference. Antwerp, Belgium.

Marrec R., Chaudet S., Le Naviel A., Le Roux V. (2022) Functional and taxonomic structure of carabid beetle assemblages in forest patches and hedges in heterogeneous agricultural landscapes. IALE-European Landscape Ecology Congress. Warsaw, Poland.


Van Baaren J., Couthouis E., Barascou L., Pétillon J., Le Roux V., Marrec R., Hecq F., Hance T. (2019) Influence of spatial and temporal scales on the potential of biocontrol service of crop pests by their natural enemies through the analysis of activity-density and species richness. International Symposium Ecology of Aphidophaga 14. Montréal, QC, Canada.

Le Roux V., Le Naviel A., Marrec R. (2019) Réponses de la structure des communautés fonctionnelles de carabes (Coleoptera: Carabidae) aux caractéristiques locales et paysagères dans les fragments forestiers. 3ème Séminaire Entomologique des Hauts de France. Senlis, France.

Marrec R., Piednoël J., Le Roux V., Catterou M. (2019) Using stable isotopes to improve knowledge on the functional structure of carabid communities in fragmented forests. Journées du Groupe de recherche en Ecologie trophique (GRET). Metz, France.

Le Naviel A., Le Roux V., Marrec R. (2019) Responses of carabid (Coleoptera: Carabidae) communities’ functional structure to local and landscape characteristics in forest fragments. 10th IALE World Congress. Milan, Italy.


Marrec R. (2018) Using human footprint‐based landscape connectivity to model wild bee community patterns in Alberta, Canada. Symposium "Using Human Modification to Model Connectivity in Multifunctional Landscapes for Conservation Planning". Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Meeting 2018. Guelph, ON, Canada.

Le Roux V., Marrec R., de Montbrun M., Macé V., Spicher F. (2018) Mouvement d’un carabe forestier en paysage agricole fragmenté par radiotracking. 2ème séminaire entomologique des Hauts de France. Senlis, France.

Marrec R., Abdel Moniem HEM., Iravani M., Kariyeva J., Hricko B., Gray C., Sólymos P., Azeria ET., Wagner H. (2018) Quantifying landscape permeability and its impact on biodiversity to improve conservation programs. Symposium "Role of Science in Creating Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Markets". North American Congress for Conservation Biology 2018. Toronto, ON, Canada.

Abdel Moniem HEM., Marrec R., Iravani M., Kariyeva J., Hricko B., Gray C., Sólymos P., Azeria E., Wagner H. (2018) Landscape Connectivity Effects on Alberta’s Biodiversity. US-IALE Annual Congress. Chicago, IL, USA.


Marrec R., Pontbriand-Paré O., Legault S., James PMA. (2016) Processus environnementaux et spatiaux affectent la structure des communautés de parasitoïdes associés à la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette (Choristoneura fumiferana). 87th Congress of the Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). Montréal, QC, Canada.

Marrec R., Pontbriand-Paré O., Legault S., James PMA. (2016) Spatial and environmental processes drive the metacommunity structure of spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) associated parasitoids. US-IALE Annual Congress. Asheville, NC, USA.


Marrec R., Pontbriand-Paré O., James PMA. (2015) Processes driving the metacommunity structure of spruce budworm’s (Choristoneura fumiferana) associated parasitoids. Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science Symposium. Montréal, QC, Canada.


Caro G., Marrec R., Gauffre B., Roncoroni M., Augiron S., Bretagnolle V. (2014) The proportions of Agro Environmental Schemes in the landscape surrounding crops influence carabid diversity. 7th Journées françaises d'Ecologie du Paysage (IALE France). Dijon, France.


Marrec R., Badenhausser I., Börger L., Gauffre B. (2013) Effect of land-use dynamics on field-occupancy by a dominant carabid beetle, Poecilus cupreus (L.), in a Western France agricultural landscape. 16th European Carabidologists Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic.

Gauffre B., Badenhausser I., Litrico I., Ribout C., Marrec R. (2013) Spatial genetic structure of a dominant carabid beetle, Poecilus cupreus, in an agricultural landscape. 16th European Carabidologists Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic.

Marrec R., Gauffre B., Börger L. & Badenhausser I. (2013) Habitat-occupancy dynamics by a dominant carabid beetle of Western France agricultural landscapes. 6th Journées françaises d'Ecologie du Paysage (IALE France). Rennes, France.


Marrec R., Bretagnolle V. & Gauffre B. (2012) Impact of agricultural environmental heterogeneity and disturbances on spatiotemporal population structure of Poecilus cupreus (L.). 34th Réunion annuelle du Groupe d'Etude de Biologie et Génétique des Populations. Avignon, France.


Derocles S., Le Ralec A., Fedde R., Gerardin C., Hidalgo K., Kamenova S., Marrec R., Martin L., Walton A., Plantegenest M. (2011) Aphid – parasitoid food web in crops and field margins. ECOVEG 7 - 7ème colloque d'Ecologie des Communautés Végétales. Lausanne, Switzerland. 

Conference Posters


Tougeron K., Barascou L., Denoirjean T., Arnoult A., Buzy S., Canard E., Doehler M., Le Lann C., Marrec R., Le Ralec A. (2024) Agro-ecological infrastructures for better control of aphid-borne sugar beet viruses. International Institute of Sugar Beet Research Conference. Brussels, Belgium.


Tougeron K., Fauquembergue R., Noppe M., Le Ralec A., Marrec R. (2022) Contribution of agroecological infrastructures as pesticide-free solutions against the beet yellowing disease. International Congress of Ecology & Evolution SFE² – GfÖ – EEF. Metz, France.

Marrec R., Chaudet S., Le Naviel A., Gallet-Moron E., Tougeron K., Le Roux V. (2022) Can agricultural hedgerows sustain forest carabid communities? International Congress of Ecology & Evolution SFE² – GfÖ – EEF. Metz, France.

Brusse T.†, Boisset N.†, Caro G., Lenoir J., Spicher F., Gallet-Moron E., Dubois F., Marrec R. (2022) Mapping microclimate variations using near-surface temperature modelling: validation of the Microclima R package on the scale of the Compiègne forest and its surroundings. International Congress of Ecology & Evolution SFE² – GfÖ – EEF. Metz, France.

Caro G., Marrec R., Thénard J., Barbottin A. (2022) Taxonomic and diet-based functional structure of carabid communities varies seasonally in cultivated fields. International Congress of Ecology & Evolution SFE² – GfÖ – EEF. Metz, France.

Brusse T.†, Boisset N.†, Caro G., Lenoir J., Spicher F., Gallet-Moron E., Dubois F., Marrec R. (2022) Mapping microclimate variations using near-surface temperature modelling: validation of the Microclima R package on the scale of the Compiègne forest and its surroundings. Microclimate Ecology & Biogeography Conference. Antwerp, Belgium.

Marrec R., Gril E., Spicher F., Vital G., Lenoir J. (2022) Can flora predict forest temperature? Microclimate Ecology & Biogeography Conference. Antwerp, Belgium.


Marrec R., Abdel Moniem HE., Iravani M., Hricko B., Kariyeva J., Wagner HH. (2019) Conceptual framework and uncertainty analysis for large-scale, species-agnostic modeling of landscape connectivity across Alberta, Canada. 10th IALE World Congress. Milan, Italy.


Hein C., Marrec R., Abdel Moniem HEM., Wagner H. (2018) Landscape genetics and connectivity modelling of six native bee species in the agricultural zone of Alberta, Canada. North American Congress for Conservation Biology 2018. Toronto, ON, Canada.

Le Roux V., Marrec R., Minaud E., Maillard A., Florent-Giard E., Spicher F. (2018) Prospection of metabolic cost of a load carriage in a radiotracking context on ground beetles. International Conference on Ecological Sciences. Rennes, France.


Marrec R., Iravani M., Hricko B., Kariyeva J., Wagner H. (2017) Characterizing multiscale landscape connectivity components in the province of Alberta, Canada. Canadian Society for Ecology & Evolution Meeting 2017. Victoria, BC, Canada.


Marrec R., Badenhausser I., Piry S., Ribout C., Gauffre B. (2015) Effects of landscape structure on the spatial and genetic patterns of a dominant carabid beetle, Poecilus cupreus, in agricultural landscapes. Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. Vienna, Austria.


Marrec R., Badenhausser I., Börger L., Bretagnolle V., Caro G., Plantegenest M., Vialatte A., Gauffre B. (2014) Spatiotemporal dynamics of agricultural landscapes drive the distribution and abundance of dominant carabid beetles. Joint Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society and Société Française d’Ecologie. Lille, France.


Dupeyron A.†, Marrec R., Gauffre B., Badenhausser I., Gross N. (2013) Functional structure of carabid beetle communities in an agricultural landscape in Western France. 16th European Carabidologists Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic.


Marrec R., Madec L. & Guiller A. (2011) Impact of the fragmentation of an agricultural landscape on the spatial genetic structure of Cepaea hortensis populations (Gastropoda). 33th Réunion annuelle du Groupe d'Etude de Biologie et Génétique des Populations. Toulouse, France.