Academic History

​2018 – Present Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences des Universités, tenured) at the Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France.

2017 – 2018 Assistant Professor (Maître de Conférences des Universités, tenure track) at the Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France.

2016 – 2017 Postdoc: University of Toronto Mississauga (UofT), Mississauga ON, Canada.
“Evaluation of the impact of landscape structure on connectivity and community composition across taxonomic groups in Alberta, Canada”, hosted by Prof. Helene H. Wagner.

2015 – 2016 Postdoc: Université de Montréal (UdeM), Montréal QC, Canada.
“Spatial and environmental determinants of the metacommunity structure of parasitoids associated with the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana)”, hosted by Prof. Patrick M.A. James.

2012 – 2014 Teaching Assistant: Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France.
Tutorials and lab works (Licence) in "Diversity of Life" (68h), "Organisms and Ecosystems" (12h), "Evolution of Body Plans" (16h). Supervised tutorial  projects (Master 1) in "Evolutionary Ecology" (32h).

2011 – 2014 Doctorat (equivalent to PhD): Centre d'Études Biologiques de Chizé (UMR 7372 CNRS-Université de La Rochelle), Villiers-en-Bois, France.
"Multi-scale determinants of the structure and spatial dynamics of carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) populations in agricultural landscapes"​,  supervised by Drs. Isabelle Badenhausser (HDR) and Bertrand Gauffre.

2009 – 2011 Master (equivalent to MSc) in Functional, Behavioural, and Evolutionary Ecology: Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, France.
Internship thesis: "Impact of agricultural landscape fragmentation on the spatial genetic structure of Cepaea hortensis populations (Gastropoda: Helicidae)", supervised by Profs. Annie Guiller (HDR) and Luc Madec (HDR).

2006 – 2009 Licence (equivalent to BSc) in Biology: Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, France.

Administrative Responsabilities

2023 – Present UMR EDYSAN "Eco-responsible research/sustainable development" correspondent // Correspondant "Recherche écoresponsable/ développement durable" for CNRS Ecologie et Environnement.

2023Present Director of studies of the year 3 of the University Bachelor of Technology 'Biological Engineering', program 'Agronomy' at the University Institute of Technology (IUT) of Amiens, France.

2020 Present Elected Member of EDYSAN's executive board // Membre élu du conseil d'unité de l'UMR EDYSAN

2018 Present Elected Member of the Biological Engineering Department Council at the IUT of Amiens // Membre élu du conseil de département Génie biologique de l'IUT d'Amiens

2018 – 2023 Director of studies of the years 1 and 2 of the University Bachelor of Technology 'Biological Engineering', program 'Agronomy' at the University Institute of Technology (IUT) of Amiens, France.

 Funded Research Projects

PI or co-PI

2024-2027 INFRAVOLT (CNRS 80|Prime, France) — "Les installations agrivoltaïques : des infrastructures vertes 2.0 ?" (co-PI: Dr. Alexandra Langlais-Hesse, CNRS IODE) (30,000 + salary for a PhD student)

2024-2026 MOTIVER (FRB's SYNTHESIS, France) — "Developing agri-environmental Indicators to MOnitor The Impact of human-driven landscape changes on biodiVERsity in European farmland" (co-PI: Pr. Gaël Caro, UMR LAE Université de Lorraine) (€200,000)

2022-2023 IAE-Betterave 2 (France AgriMer, France) — "Evaluation multi-échelles de l’efficacité d’infrastructures agroécologiques (IAE) pour renforcer le contrôle biologique des pucerons vecteurs des jaunisses de la betterave" (WP2 manager; co-PI: Pr. Anne Le Ralec, UMR IGEPP Agrocampus Ouest-INRAE) (€470,541)

2021-2022 IAE-Betterave (France AgriMer, France) — "Étude de faisabilité de l’évaluation multi-échelles de l’efficacité d’infrastructures agroécologiques (IAE) pour renforcer le contrôle biologique des pucerons vecteurs des jaunisses de la betterave" (co-PI: Pr. Anne Le Ralec, UMR IGEPP Agrocampus Ouest-INRAE) (€49,393)


Under evaluation EMOTIONS (APR GRAINE, ADEME, France) — "Evaluation des iMpacts sur la biOdiversiTé et la durabIIité des systèmes de productiON de biomasSe" (Partner's leader; PI: Drs. Christian Bockstaller & Olivier Thérond, INRAE LAE) (292,508)

2023-2026 ConservES (BiodivERsA, European Union) — "Living-lab approach to floral enrichment as a tool to conserve biodiversity and maximising ecosystem services in European agricultural landscapes" (Partner's leader and WP2 co-manager; PI: Pr. Joan van Baaren, Université de Rennes 1) (€972,768)

2022-2025 MacMiCC (ANR, France) — "Impact of forest Management and Climate Change on understory Microclimate" (PI: Dr. Jérôme Ogée, UMR ISPA INRAE) (€646,000)

2023-2024 bATRIMOINE (CPER Anamorphose, France) — "Caractérisation à fine échelle spatiale de gîtes patrimoniaux invisibles favorables aux chauves-souris par télédetection (données acoustiques et LiDAR)" (PI: Diane Zarzoso-Lacoste, UPJV) (€9,000)

2022-2024 Bio'AUXIL (FEADER, European Union-Région Hauts-de-France) — "Réduction de l'usage des insecticides en grandes cultures par la biodiversité fonctionnelle" (Partner's leader; PI: Régis Wartelle, Peri-G) (€199,850)

2021-2024 SEPIM (France AgriMer, France) "Surveillance, Évaluation, Prévision, Interpolation et Mitigation des risques relatifs à la jaunisse de la betterave" (Partner's leader; PI: Dr. Samuel Soubeyrand, INRAE) (€724,000)

2020-2023 IMPRINT (ANR JCJC, France) "Impacts of Microclimatic Processes on foRest bIodiversity redistributioN under macroclimaTe warming" (PI: Dr. Jonathan Lenoir, UMR EDYSAN, CNRS) (€299,950)

2017-2020 WOODNET (BiodivERsA, European Union) — "Connectivity patterns and processes along a gradient of European landscapes with woody vegetation and spatial heterogeneity" (PI: Dr. Jacques Baudry, UMR BAGAP, INRAE) (€715,536)



2019 PAYSACLIM (Ecophyto, France) — "Effet de la structure des paysages et des éléments paysagers sur le microclimat et conséquences sur les auxiliaires de cultures et le contrôle biologique" (€378,000)


2023 MAGNUM FORCE (ANR PRC, France) — "Mathematical modellinG, NUMerics of FORest speCiEs – What leads species to succeed or fail? Modelling metapopulation dynamics in heterogeneous changing environments" (PI: Olivier Goubet, Université de Lille) (€270,000)

2021 MOBIDIC (ANR PRC, France) — "MOdelling BIoDIversity in Changing heterogeneous forest ecosystems" (PI: Olivier Goubet, Université de Picardie Jules Verne) (€289,968)

2020 MAMBO (ANR PRC, France) "MAthematical Modelling of Biological invasiOn. What leads species to succeed or fail? Modeling (meta)population dynamics in heterogeneous, changing environments" (PI: Olivier Goubet, Université de Picardie Jules Verne) (€235,000)

2020 CoolTree (BiodivERsA, European Union) — "Large solitary trees in the face of climate change: contributions to biodiversity and ecosystem functions" (Partner's leader; PI: Dr. Pieter De Frenne, University of Gent) (€1,528,315)

2020 EVADE (ANR JCJC, France) — "Ecosystemic Value Associated with the Dispersal of aquatic insEcts in adjacent agricultural landscapes" (PI: Pr. Benjamin Bergerot, Université de Rennes 1) (€250,000)

2020 MultiLand (ANR JCJC, France) — "Soil macro-invertebrates and Bioregulation: Impacts of the MULTIfaceted heterogeneity of agricultural LANDscapes" (PI: Pr. Gaël Caro, Université de Lorraine) (€330,000)

 Ph.D. Committees

Advisory Committees

2022-2025 Eugène MAUREY (supervised by Benjamin BERGEROT, U. Rennes 1, Gaël CARO and Christophe ROBIN, U. Lorraine)

2017-2023 Celia HEIN (supervised by Helene WAGNER, UofT)

Defense Committees

2023 Axelle TORTOSA (supervised by Aude VIALATTE, INRAE-DYNAFOR, and Brice GIFFARD, Bordeaux Science Agro) (Examinateur)

2021 Pedro POLI (supervised by Annie GUILLER, UPJV, and Jonathan LENOIR, CNRS-EDYSAN) (Examinateur)

Fellowships and Grants

2020 Programme de mobilité Mourou-Strickland, bourse de voyage (Ambassade de France au Canada) // Mourou-Strickland Mobility Program Travel Grant (French Embassy in Canada)

2020 Appel à projet UPJV S2R "Soutien au rayonnement de la recherche", bourse de mobilité internationale // "Support for research outreach" UPJV S2R international mobility grant (€1,000)

2018 Bourse FRB pour la gratification de stages de master 2 // FRB grant for the gratification of Master's internships (€5,000)

2018 Appel à projet UPJV S2R "Soutien au rayonnement de la recherche", bourse de mobilité internationale // "Support for research outreach" UPJV S2R international mobility grant (€1,500)

2017 Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Travel Grant (CA$500)

2016 Postdoc fellowship by Alberta Innovates and the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (CA$140,000 for 2 years)

2015 Postdoc stipend by the Office Franco-Québécois pour la Jeunesse (OFQJ) and Pôle Emploi (€7,000 for 6 months)



2024 Member of the Assistant Professor Selection Committee (Maître de Conférences, CNU section 67) at the University of Rennes (Rennes, France)

2021 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Entomo21 Congress (Rennes, France; 42èmes journées des Entomophagistes)

2019 – Present Member of the Scientific Committee of AgroTransfert Ressources et Territoires (website)

Scientific Groups

2022 – Present Société Française d'Ecologie et d'Evolution (SFE²)

2019 – Present International Association for Landscape Ecology – European Regional Chapter (IALE-Europe)

2017-2018 Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution / Société Canadienne d'Ecologie et d'Evolution (CSEE/SCEE)

​2016 Centre de la Science de la Biodiversité du Québec / Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science (CSBQ/QCBS)

2016 International Association for Landscape Ecology – North American Regional Chapter (IALE North America)

Professional Training

2023 Maîtriser le diagnostic de durabilité des exploitations agricoles (Mastering farm sustainability diagnostics — Réseau CIVAM; 3 days)

2023 Communiquer autrement, développer ses compétences relationnelles - Approfondissement (Communicate differently, develop your interpersonal skills - Advanced — Pascale FAIVRE; 2 days)

2023 Communiquer autrement, développer ses compétences relationnelles - Initiation (Communicate differently, develop your interpersonal skills - Initiation — Pascale FAIVRE; 3 days)

Reviewer For

Peer-reviewed Journals

2024 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (1) / Science of the Total Environment (1)

2023 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (1) / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (1)

2022 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (1) / Biological Conservation (2) / Journal of Applied Ecology (1) / Landscape Ecology (1) / Scientific Reports (1)

2021 Biodiversity and Conservation (2) / Global Change Biology (1) / Global Ecology and Biogeography (2)

2020 Forest Ecology and Management (1) / Journal of Applied Ecology (2) / Science of the Total Environment (1)

2018 Ecography (2)

2014-2017 Biological Invasions (1) / Ecological Modelling (1) / Journal of Plant Protection Research (1) / Oecologia (1) / Open Life Sciences (1) / Periodicum Biologorum (1)

Research Project Proposals

2023 French National Research Agency (ANR): Ecophyto - Maturation (ECOM) grants (1)

2019 French National Research Agency (ANR): MRSEI grants (1)