

These organizations, similar to our US National Parks Service, oversee many cultural heritage sites. Consider joining to support them while you visit.

English Heritage - They produce a helpful podcast as well as a YouTube channel that can help you prepare for your trip. The podcast was particularly helpful as I planned my itinerary. Non-Brits can join for a period of 9 or 16 days at a reduced rate, called an Overseas Visitor Pass.

National Trust - They also produce an amazing podcast and have different levels of membership.

Cadw - This organization, the Welsh equivalent of English Heritage, lists Romano-British sites here.


If you have the time before you plan your trip, take advantage of these helpful books. Archaeological sites mean so much more with a little background knowledge to guide you.

Roman Britain and Where to Find It - I wish I had had this book before I took my trip. It's doing exactly what this Website aims to do. START HERE!

Trekking Hadrian's Wall Path - We didn't really use this book because we weren't hiking the wall, but when I return to England, THIS will be the book I'll use. So much detail about every little thing (history, towns, hostels, restaurants, etc.) along the wall path.

Roman Britain: Outpost of the Empire -  Fantastic illustrations and maps make this history book hard to put down.


One of the first things I did when I started planning my trip was to buy a map of the UK and start learning it. I spent evenings just looking at it. I wanted to be familiar with county names so that I when I began finding sites I wanted to visit, I could sort them into areas or "counties." This step was crucial in planning.

National Geographic United Kingdom Adventure Travel Map - This map was nice, light, and bendy.

Roman Britain Os Historical - the best of the best, this map shows every Roman British site in the UK. Beware - it's huge and unwieldy. Good for planning, but don't try to open this thing in a car - impossible.


Roman Britain - this site could be so helpful, but the ads are so terrible that it's hard to engage with. At your own risk!

Roman Invasion of Britain - an overview.

Roads in Roman Britain and the Roman Landscape