CLC Textbook Connections

Stage 13: The Roundhouses of Ancient Britons

The thatch-roofed round houses of the ancient Britons reminded me of the modern thatch work common in modern towns near Stonehenge. (You can watch YouTuber/TikTokker Shane Stevens, aka "That Thatching Guy," install thatch roofing on his channel.)  They built replicas at this UNESCO World Heritage site that reminded me of the ones in our textbook.

See Nathalie's pictures.

Stage 14: The Villa of Salvius

Even though we don't know where Salvius' house actually was or what it looked like, CLC writers based it on the Angmering Roman Villa. Unfortunately, the site was excavated and then covered so there's nothing to see there now except for a field. Google Maps doesn't even register a search for it although it is nearby the Bignor Roman Villa.

But Britain has lots of Roman villas to help us imagine, and the CLC videos featuring Salvius and Rufilla were filmed at the reconstructed townhouse at Wroxeter Roman City.

Nathalie's Pictures: Chedworth Roman Villa and the reconstructed townhouse at Wroxeter Roman City

Stage 15: The Palace of Cogidubnus

The Palace at Fishbourne has evidence of ownership by Togidubnus (or King Cogi, as he used to be called).

See Nathalie's pictures.

Stage 16: Mosaics

The mosaics in Roman Britain - chef's kiss!

See Nathalie's pictures.

Stage 21: Aquae Sulis

This stage focused on the site of modern day Bath.

See Nathalie's pictures.

Stage 22: Defixiones

These dramatic lead curse tablets were often thrown into a natural spring to seal their power. Archaeologists have found many here at Aquae Sulis.

See Nathalie's pictures.

Stage 25: Soldiers

Soldiers populated Britannia for the Romans, and the archaeological sites here are marked with the detritus of their daily lives.

See Nathalie's pictures from the Roman Army Museum and the National Roman Legion Museum.

Stage 26: Forts

Romans built forts to serve as cultural and military bases all over Britannia.

See Nathalie's pictures of Housesteads Roman Fort on Hadrian's Wall.

Stage 27: Deva

One of the major forts and military settlements in Britannia, Deva (or modern Chester) boasts the remains of an impressive amphitheater and large Roman walls.

See Nathalie's pictures.