Job 40 to 70 Skill Distribution

After you have max the job 40 for your Sniper Skill, its now time to unlock your job skill points for up to 70. you can unlock it by going into your guild hall, please refer to some guides regarding Peak Shards (Sea Name) and Poring Coin (CN Name). We will discuss the skill distribution here from Job 41 to 70 and where you should put them first to avoid a lot of resets.

Skill Points distribution

From Job lvl 41 up to 50: you will put your 1st skill point here and max it up to job lvl 50, reason is that you will gain a lot of damage if you have a max range from the enemy and that is a total of 60% Ranged Attack Damage bonus.

From 51 to 55: Proceed to Tamer it will add a total 5% additional ATK and a bonus of 5% Critical Damage at LVL 15.

Job lvl 56 to 65: this next level of skill for elemental arrow gives you an additional atk base on your DEX, the maximum is 5 multiply by your dex. so for example you have 200 total dex x 5, that will be 1000 additional dmg to your normal atk ( not skill damage )

Note: It will affect your CRIT DMG, as Crit Dmg is based in your normal attack.

Job lvl 65 to 70: You can Max this skill after turning to Ranger, so as of now for job lvl 70 you can only put 5 skill points to Improve Concentration (Attention Concentration in CN) and that would be AGI,DEX,LUK, Crit and Critical DMG by 5.

For questions just send me a DM in discord (lightray01#2542)