What is Crit Damage Diminishing Return?

Many Rangers are asking what is the Diminishing return that some people at discord are talking about or by the Ranger Player in CN?

Today i will be gladly explaining it at here, it will be hard to explain just by putting what i know here in my guide. but i can gladly accept questions about it.

But first lets tackle whats the meaning of Diminishing return in Gaming Terms.

"In gaming, the law of diminishing returns (DR) governs the gradual loss of effectiveness of a spell or ability on continual use. Simply put, the more you abuse a skill, the less effective it becomes."

Now lets start, on the chart you will see the total Crit Dmg% and on the right sight side is the equivalent physical dmg increase per 10% Critdmg.

The Base crit damage is 150% meaning that if you deal a normal dmg of 1000, it would be 1500 in critical dmg. Now lets look at the chart again. We can see that at base 150% crit damage you can have an equivalent 6.70% Increase damage if you add a 10% crit dmg (Enchant or Unlock), and it will gradually decrease if you reach 200% which is at 5% Dmg Inc. Which is still good. Reason is that you cant get a 5% dmg inc enchant but a 10% crit dmg enchant is possible.

A total of 300% is sufficiently enough if you have a good enchant for some of your equipment like 3% and above. therefore 150% base + Exceed Break 100% + Unlock and Guild Blessing example value is + or - 51% = 301%. And if we look at the chart that is already less or equal to 3% dmg inc if you still add a 10% Crit Damage Enchant in your current total Crit Damage.

However an Additinal Crit Dmg modifier that is more than 10% is not included in to the diminishing return, so you can still equip FiB.

I hope that i was able to explain it good. If you have questions or my explanation isnt clear you can still ask me via discord. My ID is in the Got Questions tab.