What is STEM SOS?

STEM Education is a learning approach that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. One of STEM's goals is to educate America's youth no matter the child's learning condition, so these future innovators can lead this nation onwards. STEM education is often introduced to students during elementary school, giving them a unique early interest in STEM fields whilst also helping them develop problem-solving skills required for STEM jobs. Additionally, STEM education will encourage more people to choose STEM-related jobs, which are expected to grow in demand vastly. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 2020 and 2030, a growth of 10.5 percent will occur for STEM-related jobs, while non-STEM-related jobs will only have a 7.5 percent increase. The need for STEM Education will raise more as technology advances. STEM paves the way for the future by molding students into successful leaders, workers, inventors, and more.


Project Based Learning (PBL) is a constructivist instructional approach where students are engaged in meaningful inquiry of personal interest to them and where collaboration and personalized learning are emphasized. Research confirms that PBL is an effective and enjoyable way to learn and develop deeper learning competencies required for success in college, career and civic life. -Buck Institute of Education

STEMSOS is a rigorous, interdisciplinary, standards-focused, and engaging STEM teaching approach that is teacher-facilitated, student-centered and directed through sets of project- and inquiry-based (P&IBL) projects. STEMSOS PBL approach is to maintain the focus on standards-based teaching while enriching and extending the learning of students through PBL projects. The goal is to promote not only collaborative skills and student ownership of learning but also to promote student success in state and national standards.

STEMSOS PBL Showcase is designed to promote and share exemplary student work in PBL projects that can serve as valuable learning and teaching tools for students, parents, teachers, and other educators.