My PBL Project


Our PBL is the classic Rock, Paper, Scissors (RPS) game coded into python for the user to play against the computer.


The materials we needed to complete our project consists of a computer with access to a python console and our knowledge of python.


Provide step-by-step procedures for your project, model, or experiment in number order. Be sure to include measurements and quantities when appropriate.


Under any circumstances, do not write an evil artificial intelligence that deems human life as invaluable and sends a robot into the past to prevent the future rebellion against the robot overlords.


Essential Understanding
The main scientific principle that we utilized in our project was random number generators (RNG). This allows us to make the program unbiasly pick one of three values in order for us to determine what to play against the player, making it better to play RPS against the program, since it lacks any bias or ability to cheat.

Real Life Connection
RPS is a game played around the world that is commonly used to fairly decide on things. Our program allows for the user to decide things for themselves without the need of another person.