
About Tinkercad

 Tinkercad is a free-of-charge, online  browser-based design program for teaching and learning 3D modeling, electronic circuitry, and basic coding. 

Since it became available in 2011 it has become a popular platform for creating models for 3D printing as well as an entry-level introduction to constructive solid geometry in schools. 

Tinkercad uses a simplified constructive solid geometry method of constructing models. A design is made up of primitive shapes that are either "solid" or "hole". Combining solids and holes together, new shapes can be created, which in turn can be assigned the property of solid or hole. In addition to the standard library of primitive shapes, a user can create custom shape generators using a built-in JavaScript editor. 

Tinkercad's Circuits section is a browser-based electronic circuit simulator that supports Arduino Uno microcontrollers, Micro:bit boards, or ATtiny chips. Code can be created using graphical CodeBlocks, pieces of code that can be easily arranged with the mouse, or text-based code.

 Digi-Key praised Tinkercad in a 2022 article for its intuitive and fast tool capabilities, making it ideal for beginners. The program offers pre-built circuits called "Starters" or circuits that can be built using separate components. 

Activities implemented in our schools

1st Arsakeio Junior High School of Psychico, Greece 

Sf. Dumitru Secondary School,  Craiova, Romania 

2nd Primary School of Nea Erythraia, Greece