Astro Pi

About Astro Pi computer

An Astro Pi computer is a Raspberry Pi computer equipped with sensors and housed in a special case. Raspberry Pi is a very affordable credit-card-sized bare-bones computer, great for use in education. The new Astro Pi computers contain a range of sensors that will allow Mission Space Lab teams investigating life on Earth and life in space to do a wider range of experiments than ever before. 

AstroPi Mission Zero 

Mission Zero offers young people the chance to have their code run in space! Write a simple program to take a reading from the colour and luminosity sensor on an Astro Pi computer on board the International Space Station, and use it to set the background colour in a personalised image for the astronauts to see as they go about their daily tasks.

Students can use the Astro Pi emulator in a web browser to create their program (they don't  need an Astro Pi computer) in Python.

Activities implemented in our schools

2nd Primary School of Nea Erythraia , Greece

Sf. Dumitru Secondary School, Craiova, Romania