Our PBL Project


For this project, we are making a robotic finger that is programmed with an application.

Driving Question:

How does the finger work, and how do the components work together to create a successful robotic finger?


The purpose of this project is to learn how to construct a robot finger and find ways to use it in the future.

Problem Statement:

Some parts of the finger and code don't work as intended, why?


  • 1x 3D Printed FingerIndex

  • 1x FingerTester

  • 1x RobRing

  • 1x Servo Pulley

  • 1x 3D Printing Filament

  • 1x 50cm Rod

  • 1x Bluetooth Connector



Preparing the parts:

1 - Have all the parts printed out and materials ready

2 - Re-drill the sides hinges holes with a 3mm drill

3 - Re-drill the inside hinges of the finger with a 3.5mm drill

Building the robot finger:

4 - All the parts of the finger are numbered, take part 1 and 2 and glue them together

5 - Glue parts 3 and 4 together

6 - Take a piece of 3mm filament and push it in the holes to assemble parts 1/2, 3/4, and 5 together

7 - Once the filament reaches the other side, trim it with pliers and glue it

8 - Use the same technique to assemble the finished finger to the main piece (the base)

9 - Turn by hand the actuator to the maximum left on the servo and do the same thing to do the left; note where they went. Decide where the arbitrary zero point is in the middle of these two points

10 - Screw the RobRing on the servo

11 - Take a piece of rod about 50cm long and run it through one hole; make 2 knots about 25cm from the rod

12 - Make another 2 knots about 1cm away from the first set and run it through the second hole

13 - Screw the servo to the base

14 - Run one end of the rod to the holes on the bottom of the finger, and run the other end to the holes on top of the finger

15 - Once the two ends of the rod are out, make a few knots and trim it. Check that the servo is at its zero arbitrary point

16 - Glue part 5 to part 6. When attempting to move the finger by rotating the RobRing, it should be able to move freely

17 - Insert the Arduino board to the base and connect the wires to the wires of the servo

18 - Now, upload the FingerStarter sketch to the Arduino to see it move


  1. It is always important to make sure to handle the materials and product carefully as to not break some pieces off.

  2. The area of work should always be clean and organized to prevent losing materials and harm.


Robot Finger in Action



Trials and Errors: Before connecting the finger to the app using bluetooth, we tested if the finger could move properly. The rod used to move the finger was at an incorrect length and caused the finger to be stiff.

Finished Product: The rod was fixed to a more adequate length, and we proceeded to connect the finger to the application. The application worked successfully and was able to properly move the finger when the "Open" and "Close" buttons were pressed.

Conclusion: As we observed the finger in action, we learned how each and every component came together to create a successful product.

Real-Life Connections

Although mobile robots are still very new and technical, they are still evolving and may end up everywhere. Currently, most robots could be seen in factories, but some could be seen elsewhere, such as the University of Houston with their robot cars that deliver food.

Investigation Questions

  1. How are robots used in daily life?

One of the main purposes of robots is to reduce human effort. With the help of technology, we have been provided with fully automated devices that have turned out to be really helpful and convenient to use. For example, they're used in industries where back then difficult tasks used to be done manually, but with robots, such tasks are performed much faster.

  1. Do robots have any down-sides?

Robots can be highly inefficient when it comes to energy consumption. Not many power sources have been developed yet, and their battery usually depletes quickly.

  1. Do robots have feelings?

Robots have the ability to mimic certain expressions, but it's currently not possible for them to replicate human emotions.

  1. How do robots negatively impact society?

As more robots are added, the more they're taking over which means there will be a loss of jobs.