English Component

Journal Entries

November 9, 2021

Today we were assigned to make a PBL project about topics related to computer science. We decided to collaborate and create a robotic 3D printed finger coded with an app. Afterwards, we shared our personal Google accounts and discussed our roles. Our PBL site was created, and we labeled all the pages to guide us on what we need to do.

November 24, 2021

Today we completed some background research about robots. We typed our research into the SS Component and completed it. Our STEM SOS page was also completed. Our teacher Mr. Alici showed us a website that displays information on what we need and how to built a 3D robotic finger.

December 2, 2021

Today we stayed after school to start constructing the finger. First, we had to print out the parts first using a 3D printer. Mr. Alici provided us with a file and sample parts to help us when building the finger. As each part was printed, we observed took pictures of the machine to use for our Project Page.

December 16, 2021

Today we completed our home page and added more information to the SS Component. Meanwhile, we faced some challenges with our finger. It was mostly built, but it didn't move properly as we intended. The finger was very stiff, so we tweaked some parts which made it more flexible.

December 20-28, 2021

During winter break, we spent some time sending messages and studying about the robot finger more. However, we didn't work much since we were spending Christmas and New Years with our families. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

January 11, 2022

Today we acquired a bluetooth device that Mr. Alici ordered. The device will connect to the finger and make it controllable with an app. We stayed after school to fit the device and connect the wires in. There were many challenges though. We had trouble cutting the wires and revealing the metal because it was very thin. With the help of Mr. Alici, we managed to connect every wire to the device.

January 28, 2022

Today we updated our Project Page with more information from our observations and discussions. We wrote down the errors we've encountered and added a step-by-step procedure on how to build a 3D-printed robotic finger. Following that, we discussed and planned our video we had to make.

February 8, 2022

Today we were asked to test the movability of our finger. We borrowed a USB cable to connect it to our laptop. Mr. Alici provided us with a sample of code, and we implemented it in Arduino. After a few missteps, we were able to test if the finger could move with successful results. We documented our observation into our Project Page.

March 1, 2022

After taking a long break, waiting for feedback, we came back to our PBL Project. Today we were given advice on what we need to improve on from Mr. Alici. We refined our website and information in each page. Though not ever mentioned to us, we had to write a brochure for our project. We discussed about how we want to do it.

March 12, 2022

Today we hurried to complete our website for the official feedback from experts. Our finger hasn't been connected using the mobile application, so we decided to work on that. This wasn't easy though. We spent many hours trying to get the bluetooth to connect, so we tweaked with the code and wires. Eventually, the finger managed to work, and we were relieved. We recorded a demo video and inserted it in the Project Page.

April 5, 2022

Today we refined and redesigned our website to look more pleasing and attractive. We received our official feedback and took note of every single improvement we could do. We added more information to our Project Page. Since we were STAAR testing today, we couldn't attend our class and missed an opportunity to record our new video. We hope that we will have time tomorrow to finally finish the video and all the other components we missed.