Visits, Help

We are very grateful that so many friends have expressed a desire to visit with Roberta and offered to help us in many ways. We are very, very grateful and desirous of time with each of you. Unfortunately, Roberta must take very strong pain killers to deal with the severe amdominal pains she experiences. Currently her pain is controlled relatively well, but she is often exhausted as a direct result of the cancer and a side effect of her many medicines. Roberta is very eager to see all of her friends, but sadly we must manage the visits to protect her fragile health. Please understand that she desires to be with all of her friends, but we will have to schedule visits according to her strength and health. You can give me a call and I will be glad to let you know when it might be possible given the constraints of her situation.

Many have people have asked how they can help, and we are very grateful for all of the offers. Mary Beth Bryer, a friend at Valley Presbyterian Church, is coordinating dinners. This has been an extradorinarily busy time and unfortunatley we have not been able to do much planning to accomodate the help that is offered. Please be assured that your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated and felt.