Thanksgiving Prayer

Thanksgiving Prayer, 2010 Almighty God, as we gather this Thanksgiving as a family, we do so with heavy hearts, for we dearly miss Roberta --- faithful daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, friend, loving mother, mother-in-law, and beloved wife. You know our hearts, thoughts and needs before we ask, and yet we come to you in prayer as you have instructed, that we might find comfort and be transformed by Your abundant grace and love.

Dear Lord, as I have offered prayers pf thanksgiving for many years on behalf of our family, I come once again, but this time with profound sorrow. You know that Roberta is the love of my life, for it is you who gave her to me as my beloved wife, and I accept her passing, but only with great heartache. Yet today, as she is gone from our sight, we know that she is alive with you, and this gives us greatest joy and peace.

Lord God, this Thanksgiving, we want to thank you for your gift of Roberta, and the way she has impacted our lives, and the lives of so many around this globe. I thank you that she has been my faithful wife, companion, confidant, counselor, best friend, and the love of my life. I thank you that through her, you brought Christiana, Stephen, and John into this world, and that you nurtured them through her loving devotion.

Thank you for impacting our lives through Roberta in so many, many ways.

· You have taught us perseverance and self-control as we have witnessed Roberta patiently deal with the challenges of her hearing loss.

· You have taught us forgiveness as Roberta treasured Your mercy towards her, and as she readily forgave, even before she was asked.

· You have taught us or our need for the Savior, as Roberta confessed her need and consistently professed her faith.

· You have taught us humility as Roberta continually served others without seeking recognition.

· You have taught us gentleness as she caringly helped others, particularly in times of their deepest need.

· You have taught us kindness as she befriended so many people, particularly those overlooked by others.

· You have taught us faithfulness through the way she has stood beside her family and remained true to You.

· You have taught us goodness through her habit of seeing the positive, even in a world which often seemed so unfair.

· You have taught us purpose as she consistently lived for you, influencing many, many people for Your sake.

· You have taught us joy by seeing how Roberta enjoyed her family, her church, Creation, and life itself.

· You have taught us love, by showing us Your love through Roberta.

· You have taught us peace, as we have witnessed Roberta serenely face her terrible diagnosis, because, as she said, she was at peace with You and men, and You had prepared for eternity with Yourself.

· You have taught us hope, knowing that one day we shall meet again in Your presence in heaven, not by our own merit, but by the atoning sacrifice of her Lord and Savior and ours, Jesus Christ.

Lord God, this Thanksgiving we have much to sorrow about, but much more to be thankful for. Thank you for Roberta’s life with us, and thank you that she is alive with you in glory.

In the wonderful name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, Amen

Prayer of Thanksgiving; Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2010

Norm Herr