Paul Doty

Paul Manton Doty

Aug. 24, 1952 — Dec. 5, 2014

During the short season between the Giants winning the World Series and the lighting of the first advent candles, Paul Manton Doty was diagnosed with cancer and died, on Dec. 5, 2014. He will be missed beyond comprehension.

Paul was the only son of Harold and Jewel Doty and was raised with his older sisters, Barbara and Linda, in their house on Miller Drive in Davis that Harold had built for his family. Paul’s was a childhood surrounded by neighborhood friends whose life revolved around bikes, dogs, BB guns and dirt clods. Sunday mornings were spent at Community Church and summers at the Little League field (where he once hit a spectacular home run).

Early in his career at UC Davis, Paul met Kathleen Ketcheson, fell in love and got married in 1983. All joy ensued. Bethany, Sam and Jesse were born and raised in a home with a dad who unabashedly adored them. Paul could be found with his kids on the floor in a pile of Legos and trains, playing catch on the street, and reading story after story. He was present in all the usual daddy ways: teaching Sunday school, chaperoning field trips, coaching sports teams (even soccer, which was an affront to his baseball sensibilities), and cheering at any number of sporting, dance or musical events.

There were many happy, and often ridiculous, family adventures on road trips, camping and bogus day hikes. We had fun. Three favorite memories were: Paul coaching on Sam’s birthday when Sam hit his first spectacular home run; Paul and Jesse camping together in Muir Woods; and father/daughter dance lessons with Bethany for her wedding.

As the children became adults, Paul stepped gracefully into his changing parenting role. He took great joy in the relationship he had with each child, including his favorite son-in-law, Adam.

Although raised in the church, Paul’s faith became central to his life in his 20s. His thoughtful, quiet and theologically rich approach to God made it easy to have spiritual conversations with him. In recent years, he enjoyed sharing his faith as he mentored college students who also wanted to be Christ followers.

Anyone who knew Paul for any length of time knew that he was a gentleman and a rascal who was an avid Giants fan, a good pal and always won at Trivial Pursuit, especially if it involved questions about the Beatles. He made a mean plum pudding and mixed a perfect martini, and was as at home hiking Mt. Rainier as he was playing Rummikubes with new friends.

Until the day before he died, Paul welcomed people to his side. With tenderness and compassion he said goodbye, well aware that life had been very good, friendships deep, love expressed. He was unfettered by regret and left us with words that had been said all along.

If all the people who loved Paul could tell a story about him, it would be the same story of a kind, gentle, funny and faithful man who loved God and others wholeheartedly.

A memorial service for Paul will be held Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014, at 11 a.m. at First Baptist Church, 38141 Russell Blvd. in Davis.