
Yes! 6th Grade lockers will be closest to their RISE classroom. 

Students will eat lunch based on the time of their ELA class. They will eat with 7th and 8th graders either during 5th, 6th, or 7th period.

Please refer to our Homework Tab on this page, and on the homework section of Progress Book. 

Although some assignments might be graded in Google Classroom, all assignments will be posted into Progress Book. Please email the Help Desk if you do not have a Progress Book Account to view grades.

No.  Students will have science and social studies every other day for a two period block. For example,  if a student has science and social studies periods 3 and four,  one day they will have science for both periods 3-4 then the next day they will have social studies periods 3-4.  You can view the schedule for Science and Social Studies on the SCHEDULES PAGE.

Email their guidance counselor Mr. Murphey (responsible for students with last names A-L) or Mrs. Winski (responsible for students with the last names M-Z) and they can set up a meeting via Zoom (preferred) or in person. 

RISE is a 30 minute class period at the end of the day for all students at RMS. During this time, students can get a jumpstart on assignments, visit teachers in the building, and meet with school clubs and organizations. 

We will continue to add questions that students/parents may have...