Research Grants
"Manufacturing Sustainable and Carbon Neutral Steel Structures for Construction Industry using Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing WAAM Static, Dynamic and Fatigue characterization", Rs. 120 Lakh, DST-IC-IMPACTS (India-Canada Joint Proposal) (2023-Ongoing), PI
Institute seed grant, Rs. 20 Lakh (2019-2020), PI
"Fracture and Fatigue of bulk metallic glass composites with transformable β-Ti dendritic reinforcements", Rs. 33 Lakh, Start-up Research Grant, SERB DST (2020-22), PI
Institute equipment matching grant, Rs. 22 lakh (2020-2022), PI
We conduct failure analysis of engineering components using non-destructive investigative tools and offer remedies and solutions for the same. The following are some of the industrial consultancy projects being handled.
Failure of filter metal head, ArKE filters (PI), New Delhi (Completed), Rs. 3.5 Lakh
Alloy development for Vedanta Aluminium (co-PI), Jharasaguda, Odisha, Rs. 42 Lakh (Completed).
NTU Singapore
Shenyang National Laboratory, China
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Cyient Technologies
Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian
HZB, Dresden