
A workshop on recent advances in geometric group theory at UC Riverside

About: On 3-6 May 2024, UC Riverside will host an in-person workshop for early career mathematicians working in geometric group theory. 

Format: There will be three series of four lectures given on cutting edge research in geometric group theory, with three supporting introductory talks.  The talks will be aimed at graduate students and postdocs,  and they will be accompanied by discussion sections led by graduate students. 

Remote access: We will simultaneously broadcast the talks on Zoom for those who cannot attend in person.  

Videos and Notes

This workshop is in the past.

Minicourse speakers:

Introductory talks:

Titles and abstracts



Matthew Gentry Durham (UCR)

Thomas Koberda (UVA)

Jacob Garcia (UCR/Smith)

Poster by Aya Ghanameh

Funding:  This workshop is being supported by NSF conference grant DMS-2342119

Past editions:

All photos on this website were taken by Matthew Durham in or near Riverside, CA.