Walking by Faith

March 24, 2022

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." ~ Hebrews 11:1

Walking by faith is not easy.  It's hard not knowing why or where God is leading you.  When the Lord told us to go to Monroeville, Alabama in May of 2019, we had no idea what His plans were for us or for this area.  However, as we continue to walk by faith, He continues to reveal His heart for this community.

We want to share a few highlights on what the Lord is doing in Monroeville...ALL Glory belongs to God!

While walking and praying throughout Isaac Creek Campgrounds, we stopped to talk with the camp host, Linda.  As we introduced ourselves and shared what God was doing in our lives, she began to share how she needed God to move in certain areas of her own life.  We were able to encourage and pray for her.  We will be going back in a few days and can't wait to here how God has moved on her behalf.

The Lord has been putting certain churches on our hearts to pray for and attend while we're here.  One specific church was Franklin COG.  As we walked in the front doors one Sunday morning, we were greeted by the Pastor.  We shared a little about ourselves and he asked if we would share our testimony the following Wednesday.  So we did.  The next few days we were able to pray in the church and around the church grounds.  During prayer with the pastor one Saturday, he shared how hungry he was for a move of God in his church and if we would pray for him.  We prayed for him and his wife.  The following Sunday he preached a powerful Word and eleven people responded to the altar call of desiring to grow closer to the Lord.  We have grown very fond of this amazing group of believers.  We know God's not done with the pastors (Dale and Kathy) and with Franklin COG.

While traveling to Monroeville, the Lord brought to our attention ZZ's Cozy Campgrounds in Repton, Alabama.  It's about fifteen minutes outside of Monroeville.  We knew we were to stay at this campgrounds, but didn't know why...as is the usual.  When we arrived, we met the owners, Rickey and Odessa Wallace.  They are incredibly friendly people and ones who are seeking to do God's will.  When we arrived here at ZZ's, we asked if it would be okay to pray throughout the campgrounds during our stay.  They said they would love that.  Rickey later shared with us that they've had a water leak for over a month and couldn't locate where it was coming from.  He thanked us for our prayers.  He said in the few days we've been praying, they were finally able to locate and fix the water leak.  Praise God!

While checking into ZZ's, Odessa introduced us to Raven, a 25 year old lady from their church.  Raven shared that she was a kidney and pancreas transplant recipient.  After she shared some of her story with us, Odessa asked us to pray for Raven.  Of course we did.  We are excited to see how God will continue to use this beautiful young lady for His Kingdom.

As usual, traveling away from home for extended amounts of time, a hairdresser is needed.  One of the dear ladies (Jonya) from the church here set up an appointment for me with her lifelong friend, Kelly.  I'm so incredibly thankful for the opportunity to share God's faithfulness and to encourage others as they look to follow Jesus.

The Lord has revealed a few things to us as we've been praying throughout this town of Monroeville:

1. There is a history of racial divides and many years of hurt that go along with it.

2. Many churches are closed due to the devastating impact Covid has had on this small community.

3. God's love for this community is incredibly overwhelming.  He wants to restore and refresh His children and save those that are lost.  He wants to do a new thing. (Isaiah 43:19)

When you know the why, you know what to pray.

God's goodness, faithfulness and favor are unmatched.  We had no clue why God sent us to Monroeville, Alabama.  We have often wept over the people of this town.  We have seen God's enormous love for these people in the short time we've been here.  We know God's not finished yet.  We have no idea how long the Lord will have us here and to what extent He will choose to use us.  But, whatever He desires we still say, "Yes, Lord!"

"For we walk by faith, not by sight."  ~ 2 Corinthians 5:7

ALL For HIS Glory!                                                                    

Vic and Kathy Miller