Rie Koizumi’s Website  小泉利恵(筑波大学)



Rie Koizumi (she/her)


University of Tsukuba

Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences


Focus of my research

Teaching English as a foreign language, second language assessment and testing, and classroom-based speaking assessment

I am interested in foreign language testing and assessment, particularly developing speaking assessment and procedures to appropriately assess speaking ability. My research focuses on how to develop and use tests in beneficial ways to enhance learners’ English ability and how to increase knowledge or skills that allow teachers and students to use tests properly, which is called language assessment literacy.


Rie Koizumi is a Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. Her research interests include assessing and modeling second language speaking ability, performance, and development and learning-oriented language assessment in the classroom. 

She has served as an ILTA Selection Committee member of the SAGE/ILTA Best Book Award (2021–2022), ILTA Nominating Committee member and Chair (2020–2021), Selection Committee member of the ILTA Best Article Award (2012–2013), and Translation Committee member of the ILTA Code of Ethics (2010–2013). She co-hosted the online Language Testing Research Colloquium (Tokyo, 2022). She currently works as a member-at-large of the Asian Association for Language Assessment (2022–present). Within the Japan Language Testing Association, she has been a board member since 2008 and previously held the role of Secretary General from 2014 to 2020. She has also been in the Editorial Board of Language Assessment Quarterly (2023–present), Studies in Language Assessment (formerly named Papers in Language Testing and Assessment (2021–present), and Language Testing (2019–present). Her recent work on speaking assessment and skill profiles has been published in Language Assessment Quarterly, System, Language Testing in Asia, and other journals.

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