How Literature shaped me?

The way literature has changed how you see the world is something many great writers have talked about. It's like the famous writer Walter Benjamin said - A good book for children can also teach adults about their own lives. This shows how literature can connect with people in deep, meaningful ways across different ages and backgrounds.

Books and stories have totally changed how I see everything in a huge way. A lot of really famous writers from English literature have talked about this before. Like William Shakespeare, who wrote amazing plays with deep meanings hidden in his writing. Lines like "All the world's a stage" from one of his plays show how he could take big life lessons and put them in such a descriptive, powerful way.

Ever since I started really reading a lot, I've gotten into this habit of viewing the world kind of like I'm in a story myself. It makes me think of the Robert Frost poem "The Road Not Taken" where he talks about two paths in the woods - sort of like how reading has made me see life's possibilities and choices from a different point of view.

I've come to really appreciate how careful writers are with the specific words they choose and all the layers of meaning they pack into their writing. It's almost like they're artists painting pictures with language. This reminds me of what the poet John Keats called being open to life's uncertainties and exploring the unexplained through writing.

The way I read books has totally shifted too. I don't just read passively anymore. I study and examine every line, looking at the writing tricks, symbols, and deeper meanings tucked away by the author. It's like literary experts who practice "close reading" to really dive into and pick apart famous novels in-depth.

So in simple terms, getting really into reading has fine-tuned my senses to notice and understand all the profound life lessons and wisdom that legendary English writers have shared through their masterful way with words and storytelling over the centuries. From Shakespeare's unforgettable lines to Robert Frost's vivid imagery to the Romantic poets' appreciation for life's mysteries - their lasting works have embedded in me just how powerfully uplifting and mind-expanding great literature can be.