James Isaac Shepard


James Isaac Shepard was born April 5, 1865 in Richmond to Justin and Eliza Maria Allred Shepard. James served as the 8th Mayor of Richmond.

Mayoral Term (1898 - 1900)

James I. Shepard served a single term as the 8th Mayor of Richmond from 1898-1900 and was the first Mayor to have been born in Richmond.

In the special City Council meeting held February 19, 1898, it is discussed about the salaries of each individual city officer. It is the first time that the salaries were recorded for the officers. They are recorded as: Mayor, $40; Councilmen, $25; Marshall, $123; Recorder, $70; Treasurer, $30; Water Master, $60; Sexton, $30; Pound Keeper, $20; Supervisor of Streets, $30.

In a special City Council meeting held August 13, 1898, "The mayor reported that he had recieved a letter from the recorder of Grantsville, asking Richmond City to help in an amount not exceeding $15 to defray the expense of taking a case to the Supreme Court, and by so doing determine how far from platted portion of town, city taxes could be collected. The recorder was authorized to inform then that Richmond City would not help."

James Shepard was succeeded by August C. S. Schow.


James Isaac Shepard died May 14, 1947 in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was buried in the Richmond Cemetery.