Enoch Rhodes Dayley


Enoch Rhodes Dayley was born Sep 19, 1837 in Grand River, Missouri to James and Isabelle Rebecka McBride Dayley.

Early Life

When Enoch was a year old, the Dayley family were living at Haun's Mill, Missouri when mobs attacked members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Oct 30, 1838. Enoch's mother was able to save themselves by running into some willows along a stream for safety. They left Haun's Mill and made their way to Nauvoo, Illinois where they lived for up until the assassination of Church President Joseph Smith.

After the assassination, the Dayley family, along with members of the McBride family, began west to move to the Rocky Mountains in 1846. They moved to Farmington, Iowa to get the means to head west, living in the city until 1850 when they moved to Council Bluffs, Iowa, and gathered with the mass majority of the Saints.

On June 26, 1852, the Dayley family joined the John B. Walker Company. They arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on Oct 2.

Life in the Salt Lake Valley

After the Dayley's arrival in the Salt Lake Valley, they moved to Grantsville, Utah where his uncle James J. McBride had settled the area. While there, Enoch's mother fell sick and died on Jan 18, 1861. 

Enoch Rhodes Dayley married Gennette Cooley on Dec 29, 1856 in Grantsville, Utah. The family lived in Granstville until 1859 when they moved to Richmond.

Life in Richmond

The Dayley family moved to Richmond at the request of the Church to help settle the valley. Also living in Richmond were Enoch's cousins Joseph Lehi Biddlecome and Cassanda Pope. The Dayley family lived in Richmond up until 1868 when they moved back to Grantsville.


Enoch Rhodes Dayley died Nov 13, 1892 in Basin Idaho. He was buried in the Basin, Idaho Cemetery.


Bertha Estella Dayley. (Year made Unknown) Life Sketch of Enoch Rhodes Dayley, Uploaded to FamilySearch.org by TurnerBradleyJay1, Oct 6, 2013. https://www.familysearch.org/memories/memory/2838849?cid=mem_copy