Joseph Lehi Biddlecome


Joseph Lehi Biddlecome was born in Bowling Green, Missouri Dec 22, 1834. He lived with his family in Nauvoo, Illinois for many years. His mother died in Winters Quarters, Nebraska in 1852 at the age of 17. He and his younger brother, George R. Biddlecome, were cared for on the planes toward Utah by relatives.1

In 1856, Joseph Biddlecome married Rebecca Nellie Robinson and spent some time in Deep Creek, Utah where Joseph helped to construct an eight-mile station for stage drivers. Rebecca was a cook for the stage drivers and Pony Express riders.2

In 1859, they entered Richmond and lived there for an unnumbered amount of years. While in Richmond, he married Margaret Ann Cooper. They moved from Richmond to Grantsville, Utah.2

Joseph Lehi Biddlecome died on June 14, 1906, in Arlington, Arizona, and was buried in Mesa, Arizona.


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