James Nephi Davenport


James Nephi Davenport was born Aug 14, 1841 in Walnut Grove, Illinois to James and Almira Phelps Davenport.


Soon after James was born, the Davenport family moved to Winters Quarter, Nebraska to flee the mobs that were persecuting the Saints. James' father was selected by President Brigham Young to travel west in the first wagon train. After he returned, the family remained in Winters Quarter until 1856. In 1861, the family moved to Richmond and lived in the Richmond Fort.2

James married Margaret Jefferson Petty on Feb 3, 1865 in Richmond. For work, James began working for the Utah Northern Railroad Co. to help build ties. He set up a sawmill south of Avon, Utah. Because James was there for so long and was recognized for his work, a mountain peak and creek were named after him: James Peak and Davenport Creek.2

James' son John tells this story about his father:

"That spring about 1883 the grasshoppers came, everyone was fighting them from daylight til dark in order to save their crops. One evening father came in all tired out and was telling mother there was no chance, the hoppers would move in the morning. While they were talking the first counselor in the Bishopric drove up and wanted father to go to Logan and work on the Temple. Father told him how things stood – He said if you will go I will promise you in the name of the Lord – they will never bother your crop. Early next morning father and I went to Logan and worked for two weeks and believe me the hoppers never bothered his crops."3

James was a leader of the Richmond Primary Boy Band that was organized just before Christmas of 1886. Charles H. Skidmore wrote the following in his journal:

"Wednesday night I went to Sister Allsop's and practiced with the rest of the band, which was organized just before Christmas. Thursday night I went out to Brother Davenport's (a mile north of Richmond) to practice. I learned to play one tune, it making the fifth tune I could play on my flute. Practiced by a 'bitch' light on a mantelpiece on the north side of his front room. We had no sheet music, but played by ear."


James Nephi Davenport died July 10, 1902 in Richmond. He was buried in the Richmond Cemetery.

Richmond Primary Boy Band

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Davenport children that lived in Cache Valley. L-R: Almira, James Nephi, Sariah Maria.

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James Peak, named after James Davenport.1

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