Incorporation of Richmond City
In Feb 1868, Richmond was incorporated as a city of Utah and the sixth city of Cache County. William D. Hendricks was elected the first mayor and was sworn into office on May 28, 1868 with the first City Council members: Stillman Pond, Henry E. Gibson, David P. Rainey, Neriah Lewis, and Thomas L. Whittle with William Beers as City Recorder. William, along with the City Council, hired individuals to fill in the necessary appointments for the city. Such were Christopher M. Olsen, City Teasurer; William F. Fisher, Assessor and Collector; William T. Van Noy, City Marshall; Christopher M. Funk, Supervisor of Streets; William H. Lewis and R. Marion Kerr, Chief of Police; David P. Rainey, Neriah R. Lewis, Marcus E. Funk, and George F. Burnham, Deputies of Police. Along with this, they had appointed the city seal, passed the first City Ordinance of constructing bridges across all ditches, and named the streets of Richmond.