George Q. Cannon

8 September 1875 • Wednesday

"At 5.30 we took train for Richmond, Bishop Preston accompanying us. Angus and myself were assigned by Bishop Merrill to Bro. Traveler who made us very comfortable."

10 and 11 September 1875 • Friday and Saturday

"We held meeting these two days at Richmond. The attendance was not very good, though it improved at our last two meetings. We were joined here by Bishops L. D. Young and Elder George Teasdale. We all spoke at these meetings, Elder Taylor and myself twice. I had considerable freedom in my remarks and more liberty the second day when the people got warmed up than at first. I visited Bro. A, C. Brower and took supper with him and his family. I also visited the Bishop and took dinner with him. On Saturday afternoon Bro. Preston had provided a special train to take us down to Logan."

2 May 1881 • Monday

"We then drove to Richmond, and put up in company with Prests. Taylor and Smith at Bro. Merrill's, who is First Counsellor to Prest Preston. He is very comfortably situated, and is a good specimen of an enterprising polygamist as can be bound—as sturdy, industrious, reliable man, who manages his affairs wisely, and sets a good example to all the Saints. At least, that is my observation of him. He has a large family; his sons are all very industrious. He has comfortable outbuildings, which show that he takes care of his stock, his vehicles and machinery. Upon stepping to his door on my last visit to his house, I was struck with its elegance for a country place. His parlor was furnished with great taste, the walls are beautifully papered, the carpet rich and the furniture very fine. I stood a while at the door and lifting up my hands I said. "All this, and heaven too!" I was reminded of the remark as soon as I stepped into the room this time; and said to Bro Merrill and his wife that it was this room that called forth that remark upon my last visit. They remembered it, and both of them said that they scarcely ever entered that room without thinking of that remark. I turned to Sister Merrill and said to her, "Sister Merrill, you shall have all this, and I can promise you that you shall have heaven besides."

The meeting this evening was largely attended, and was addressed by Elders George Reynolds, Richard Taylor, Geo. F. Gibbs, John Smith, Jos. F. Smith and Prest Taylor. Prest Taylor, before arising, asked me to speak; but I told him that as the time was so far gone I preferred letting him occupy it all, feeling that the people would rather hear him than me. It was after ten o'clock when he finished, but before sitting down he made a motion that I arise and make a speech, and called upon the people to vote for it, which they did. I then spoke for fifteen minutes.

3 May 1881 • Tuesday

"Brother Brower, with two of his wives, his first wife, and his wife whose name was Humphreys, with whom I had been acquainted from boyhood, he having been foreman in the printing office at Nauvoo when I was an apprentice there, who also crossed the plains in the same company in which myself and wife travelled."

22 August 1884 • Friday

"Drove to Richmond and held meeting at 3 p.m. in the new meeting house which the people are just finishing and which is very fine building. Bro Teasdale, Lyman, myself and Prest. Taylor addressed the Saints. We had considerable freedom and the people apparently enjoyed the instruction and spirit. In the evening Prest. Taylor, myself & Bros. Lyman and Teasdale ordained Bro. Milo Andrus a Patriarch at the house of Bro. W. D. Hendricks. Prest. Taylor, myself and wife were invited by Bro. W. M. Merrill to stop at his house."

11 March 1894 • Sunday

"At 1:30 I came up to the office and had an interview with Brother Barnett, of Richmond. At 2 o'clock attended meeting in the [Logan] Tabernacle. Presidents Woodruff and Snow were also present. Both expressed a desire to have me speak. I read from the Book of Mormon concerning secret combinations, and spoke for about an hour, enjoying excellent freedom."