George F. Richards

17 May 1906 • Thurday

"Appointment to Benson (Richmond) with G A Smith & Prest Hart."

18 May 1906 • Friday

"Phoned home Geo. F. Jr. Sick. Wrote to LeGrand & to my Bro. Fred. Took train 4:10 P.M. for Richmond were I went with Bro Geo. A Smith to attend Benson Stake Conference. Weather Pleasant. My health good. We were joined at Logan by Prest. [blank] Hard of the 1st Council of Seventies. We were met at Richmond Depot by President Alma Merrill and taken to his home where We staid during our stay in Richmond."

19 May 1906 • Saturday

"Attended meeting at ward house at 10 A.M. Heard reports. Bro. Geo. A. Smith spoke 40 minutes and left me 20 min which I occupied. Subject. Maintain our First love of the Gospel How Love begets love, kindness begets Kindness. As we would maintain the love of our wives by doing our full duty by them and laboring for them & loving them.

"Afternoon meeting Bro. Hart occupied about 40 or 50 minutes closing at 3:45 P.M. Good meetings After meeting heard Prest Roskelly of the Logan temple on a question of Baptism, where the name was wrong but the individual’s identity is assured. Will submit to Presidency of church for Ans.

"After 4 P.M. Bp. Merrill took us down to examine tithing property which they contemplate selling for $1800 and to build on ward property with proceeds We also visited the Condencing milk & cheese factory. Drove up to Cemetery &c.

"Attended a meeting of the Presidency & High Council in the evening and there Spoke for perhapse 20 min.

Talked home to Mama, Geo & Joel over phone. Geo some better & up."

20 May 1906 • Saturday

"Attended Sunday School at 9 AM Conference meeting at 10 A.M. Bro. G. A. Smith occupied about 40 or 50 minutes & Bro Hard about 20 minutes.

"Wend [Went] with Bro. Smith & Prest Alma Merrills down to the Latter’s mothers where we took dinner.

"Attended Afternoon and occupied about 45 minutes with good freedom. Subjects."The letter Killeth but the Spirit giveth life. The things of God are known by the Spirit of God. How obtained. What it revealeth. Ans the Word of God as found in the bible. The gifts of the Spirit & testamony of the Gospels’ truth.

"The Spirit must be with the Speaker & with the hearer. The spirit prompted the written word but that did not convert anscient Israel. They wanted in faith.

"After Afternoon meeting I attended a meeting of the seventies called by Prest Hart. 78 seventies present. Spoke to them a short time, read from Book of Cov. to Show that the Seventies are not to be governed by Circumstances their call is to be minute men without qualification. Advised that those who could not go abroad help those who. can with help.

"Took supper at Prest Merrill’s. Attended Young Peoples Conference in the evening.

"At afternoon meeting, isles were filled and many standing about the door and estimated 150 outside on grounds. 650 in doors

"At Mutual meeting I spoke in Conclusion about 30 minutes. Subject. “Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” &c. Slept at Prest Alma Merrills each night"

20 May 1906 • Saturday

"Spent the forenoon with Bro. Alma Merrill and at his home reading. Read “Succession to the Presidency” After dinner I accompanied me Prest. <B. U> Hendricks to Lewiston..."

14 April 1909 • Wednesday

"I attended regular council meeting from 10 A.M. to 2:35 P.M. Received appointment with Elder Hyrum M. Smith to the Benson Stake Conference to be held at Richmond Cache Co. Utah next Saturday and Sunday."

16 April 1909 Friday

"I did a few errends and returned home & made ready to leave on 3:55 P.M. train for Richmond where I attend Benson Stake Conference. Pres. Alma Merrill met Elder Hyrum M. Smith and me at the Ry. Station and took us to his home where we made our home while in Richmond."

18 April 1909 • Saturday

"Attended Sunday School at 9 A.M. and spoke. Subject, obedience.

"At 10 AM meeting attendance 631 I occupied 25 minutes Subject obedience.

"At 2 P.M. meeting held in Tabernacle Attendance 911 I occupied about 35 or 40 minutes Text Rev. 14:6, 7

8 P.M. Conjoint Mutual in meeting house. Bro. Smith & I each spoke.

"My subject was The Eternity of the marriage covenant."