Benson Stake

14 April 1909 • Wednesday

"I attended regular council meeting from 10 A.M. to 2:35 P.M. Received appointment with Elder Hyrum M. Smith to the Benson Stake Conference to be held at Richmond Cache Co. Utah next Saturday and Sunday."

16 April 1909 Friday

"I did a few errends and returned home & made ready to leave on 3:55 P.M. train for Richmond where I attend Benson Stake Conference. Pres. Alma Merrill met Elder Hyrum M. Smith and me at the Ry. Station and took us to his home where we made our home while in Richmond."

17 April 1909 Saturday

"Weather pleasant. My health good

"I attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting Present 201. Speakers wer[e] Pres. Wm Waddoups, Elder Hyrum M. Smith and myself. I occupied 25 minutes, Generality.

"At 2 P.M. meeting attendance 311. The Speakers were in order as follows, Brigham A. Hendricks of the Stake Presidency Elder Price, myself & Elder H. M. Smith. My subject, Dan 2: Restoration 35 minutes.

"After afternoon meeting we drove to Lewiston and held meeting in the evening. We divided the Lewiston First ward & made a new ward & called [p. 84] it Lewiston 3rd ward. Installed the following bishopric. Thomas S. Karren Bp., Philo W. Auston 1st Counselor and Loren W. Marler second counselor.

"I ordained & set apart the bishop & second Counselor & Elder Smith set apart the first Counselor. Elder Smith occupied about 30 or 40 minutes. I talked about 20 minutes. We returned home after meeting reaching Richmond about 11.30 P.M"

18 April 1909 Saturday

"Attended Sunday School at 9 A.M. and spoke. Subject, obedience.

"At 10 AM meeting attendance 631 I occupied 25 minutes Subject obedience.

"At 2 P.M. meeting held in Tabernacle Attendance 911 I occupied about 35 or 40 minutes Text Rev. 14:6, 7

8 P.M. Conjoint Mutual in meeting house. Bro. Smith & I each spoke.

"My subject was The Eternity of the marriage covenant."

April 1909, The Journal of George F. Richards, accessed February 25, 2024,the%20marriage%20covenant

"Benson Stake Presidency 1944-46" 

Sitting L-R: Oral L. Ballam, 1st Councilor, Merle Hyer, President,

Standing L-R: Casper W. Merrill 2nd Councilor, O. David Hendricks Clerk

(Colorized) Source

Stake Presidents

William H. Lewis

1900 - 1905

Alma Merrill

1905 - 1921

Merle G. Hyer

1944 -1953

Thelbrun R. Holt

1961 - 1966