Lucinda Amanda Bair


Lucinda Amanda Bair was born 30 Dec, 1849 in Garden Grove, Iowa to John and Lucinda Amanda Owens Bair. She was one of the First Settlers of Richmond in 1859.


George Washington Sharp was working and lived with John Bair at the Richmond sawmill, and there met Lucinda.1 They were married on 3 Feb, 1865 at the ages of 19 and 16. After their marriage, they moved to a small cabin near High Creek and operated a sawmill. They were able to buy many archers of land, including the land where "Old Fort" was located, and built a small home.

In 1874, the whole family was sick with diphtheria. The sickness was terrible to Lucinda and was sick for several years. They sold much of their hard-earned land to pay for doctors to care for Lucinda.1


Lucinda died 13 Dec, 1916 in Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. She was buried in the Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Cemetery.

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