
Most of our day to day and week to week communications are through  Facebook (Richfield Nordic Club), and Group Me.  We have both athlete and parent groups. 

Notes from Coach/ Parent meeting 1.16.2023

Skiing Fundraiser: Due to multiple factors we decided to not hold a proposed February fundraiser where we groom Augsburg and the High School and invite the community to ski and have our skiers ski 50 or 100k.  Plan to regroup in the fall next year to assess possibility for next ski season.  Instead, we will have a fundraiser at Davanni’s on February 1st and a potential fundraiser bagging groceries at Lund’s, February 11th.  Stay tuned for confirmation.

Banquet: The banquet will be held at the high school in February.  Date to be determined in next couple of days.  Becca Patenaude and Ann Rummel taking the lead; they are working out caterer, gifts, slideshow (one idea is to have the leadership team put this together). They will need some help setting up/taking down.  Stay tuned on that one as well.

Clothing order: we decided to not order soft shell jackets this year per time needed for them to arrive.  Plan to put together order in the fall of next year in order to get them on time for the (short) season.  There will be an order going in in the next few days for sweatshirts, long sleeve shirts and/or a t-shirt with idea kids will have them for sectionals.  Erin Hernandez and Marty are working on getting this in quickly.

Grooming at Augsburg: Talked about talking with the AD after season about the challenges for Nordic given our practices largely need to be off campus- framed as an equity issue re some kids not able to get out to Hyland on own. I think this is worth thinking about how to frame and what we (if anything) would want to ask for in terms of support for future seasons if bussing will remain a problem.

Richfield/AHA branding: Talked briefly about branding of future swag/clothing orders and a desire was shared to be as inclusive as possible to include AHA.  Talked about various ways to do this.

5th grade ski field trip: RDLS will be going to Woodlake to classical ski January 24-26th and there was an idea for some of our skiers to help. 25th is conference but can help the 26th (and there is no high school that day). Marty will ask for volunteer helpers.  Talked about expanding this to other 5th grades in Richfield in the future as they all go to Woodlake to ski at some point in the winter.