Woodville Pharmaceuticals

Understand a poison well enough and it becomes a medicine.

From antibiotics to beauty cream, the chemical makeup of the world is key to unlocking the latent potential of natural goods for use in life-saving and life-changing discoveries.

An excerpt from a New Hires Commencement by Woodville Pharmaceuticals President Elizabeth Woodville-Plantagenet:

"...It cannot be said that man has no weaknesses, merely that time after time we adapt and overcome those weaknesses. Many aspects of Planet Earth function entirely separate from the concept of 'do no harm,' and it takes very little for a human life to end on account of an interaction with any of hundreds of substances that we can encounter in everyday life. The traditional roots of medicine span back thousands of years, as inquisitive individuals experimented with the resources of the natural world and discovered that certain elements could help bring a body back into balance after illness or injury. While the methodology has advanced, the core principals remain the same. Today, by exploring the essential nature of the chemical world around us, we can find better means to combat our weaknesses than had ever been dreamed up. By breaking down components of the natural and artificial worlds, everything that once made us weak might be conquered. Woodville Pharmaceuticals is poised to lead the industry so that we may soon stave off the inevitable end that marches towards us all. Death is not always as straightforward as the blade, it may come in the night as easily as it comes in the day. But we will face it head on and press the advantage whenever opportunity arises. We will turn every weakness we can into a strength...."