Richmond Securities

Modern security goes far beyond simply seeing to it that the body doesn't come to harm. One's self and identity have become so tied into the secondary world of online connections that to leave online information unguarded gives unparalleled access to criminal elements seeking to make use of that information for their own ends.

Moreover, companies serve as a nexus target that would grant access to the information of millions of individuals, making it more important than ever for businesses to ensure their customers are as protected as possible. Access to information technology experts at Richmond Securities can help guarantee that you and your customers remain free from potential disruption.

An excerpt from a speech by Richmond Securities President Henry Tudor given at the ISC West:

"...Security is something found both within and without. Even in the absence of explicit enemies, we must be aware that threats are always out there. For the longest time, the concept of security was of a more physical nature. Thirty years ago, much of what we had to offer was the manpower to watch over our customers and their interests 24/7. But there's much more time in the day than there used to be, and the threats are more than physical. Every second, hundreds of thousands of data points are created across the reaches of the internet. Over the course of a year, billions of hours are collectively spent on individual social media and web platforms. Companies and government entities alike hold immense amounts of personal data that could be exploited by today's intrepid cybercriminals. Despite this brave new world that we're in, however, many of the tactics used in cyberwarfare follow similar stratagems found in historic military handbooks. Chief among these is the use of a Trojan maneuver, named for the mythic fall of Troy at the hands of the combined Greek forces. The tactic involves hiding a harmful force inside of a alluring façade, allowing enemy forces to take control from within the target. Thousands of organizations take more risks than they need to when it comes to cyber security: risks far outweighed by potential harm. Imagine, if you will, that a Trojan Horse is loosed upon a hospital. Data changed, power shut off, doors locked shut, a very real risk of deaths. All preventable...."