Youth Workshop

On 14 May we held a workshop (agenda) with middle & high schoolers and recent grads to consider the future, assess the present and decide how we can build a better Rhinebeck going forward. Following are some of the resources used, and the conclusions of the workshop.

Jennifer Breslin, Futuristas, Karine Duteil, KaN, Cynthia Nikitin, Placemaking Guild
Vanessa Bertozzi, Climate Smart Rhinebeck (CSR), Scout Pronto, Rhinebeck Comprehensive Plan Youth Track and CSR

Curious about the Top 5 Recommendations?

  • Create a Rec Center for - and managed by - Teens.

  • Create more diverse and year round activities and programs for young people in Rhinebeck (including in public spaces/parks).

  • Invest in the environment and create a Stewarship Program

  • Make Rhinebeck more affordable for young people and easier to get around without a car.

  • Listen to young people and create a greater sense of community with them.

Contact us for presentations given, the Place Assessment Tool and other materials.

Highlights from Designing a Better Rhinebeck


Learning and Contributing
“It was interactive and fun.” “I think everything was really interesting!”

“I found most interesting walking around town and brainstorming how things can improve.”

Walking around and assessing the situation in Rhinebeck, I noticed things that I have not noticed before.

“I liked drawing – communicating thoughts and ideas in a more creative, active way.”

“I like the topic where we dreamt about Rhinebeck in 2042. Also, I liked when we thought of ideas to make Rhinebeck better in the future.”

“I liked the way we got to give input about things we wanted to change in Rhinebeck.

“I found interesting the presentation on guerilla urbanism, it was a new topic for me.” “I was inspired to take action by tactical urbanism [which] can be utilized everywhere.”

“I liked the rating of ideas [for activities/programs], it was interesting.”

Wanted More of...

“Perhaps it could have addressed more on sustainability and things to combat climate change on a small scale.” “I would have liked to talk more about environmental security and personal accountability with climate change.”

“I would like to have talked about how we can take action ourselves and how we can make our dreams a reality.” “I would like to talk about following through and possible costs.

Civic Engagement

“I feel more confident about sharing my ideas because I learned more about the process and how valued people’s opinions are.”

I would like to further present our ideas to the town.

“I think I have a clearer idea about what I want and I’d be glad to talk about it.”

“I feel like there could be real change enacted for Rhinebeck based off the receptiveness of the town."

Getting the Word Out

“It might be cool to design posters for the [youth voices] project as well.”

“Do a version in school like the Science Foundation [Discovery Festival] with hands-on exercises.”

I would recommend this workshop to a friend.”


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The future does not arrive ready-made, instead we make the future. What have you done today and how will it shape the future?