Tactical Urbanism

Safe Walk to School Project

A collaboration of the Comprehensive Plan Youth Track, the Climate Smart Community Task Force, and the Village of Rhinebeck. With generous support from JSA Sustainable Wealth Management.

What is Going on Here?

These temporary crosswalks and sidewalk are part of Rhinebeck’s youth led Tactical Urbanism Project. Tactical urbanism is a way for people to participate in shaping their environment and community for the public good in an experimental fashion. This and upcoming projects will create an awareness of existing problems in our “urban" (village) environment and offer temporary solutions that could be implemented permanently if the public is in favor of it. 

The Call To Action

At the May Youth Voices Workshop, a team of young people assessed the Village - Lion Mini Park route and the Mini Park. They had a number of recommendations on how to improve things, including making the walk between the village center and school safer. Although this road is crossed by students every day, there is normally no crosswalk here, nor a proper sidewalk along S Parsonage. 

Our Design

We think that this should change. So we consulted with the Village and created designs for our installation which aims to address this problem in a creative but temporary way. We wanted to create something visible, safe, and fun (and incorporate the school colors). 

The Installation 

We installed the project on the 21st (and it rained right after!) just in time for the walk/bike to school day. Check out the installation process in the gallery below. It was fun and thanks to all that came out to help from young people to village trustees, the mayor and our local police. We also got 100% positive feedback from the community survey!

Get Involved in Our Work

If you are a young person and want to participate in or lead further projects please get in touch at izzy.pronto@gmail.com. If you are an adult in the community and would like to support our work in some way, please also let us know.