COVID-19 Management with DXN Reishi Gano (RG) & Ganocelium (GL)

Covid Management with DXN RG & GL

Over the past one year and more, we have had enough testimonials of COVID-19 patients around the world who claim how taking mega dosages (30 capsules/day) of RG, GL, and Spirulina has helped them recover without major complications. 

Supplements are an important part of recovery during a viral infection like Covid especially because of loss of appetite. The super three immune boosters of DXN act like functional food managing the fever, inflammation, elimination of toxins, fatigue, weakness, making sure the lungs are protected with no fluid congestion thereby maintaining the required oxygen saturation. 

Along with these super three immune boosters, it is important to also continue taking other products like Ganoderma Coffee & Tea, Cordyceps Coffee, Virgin Coconut Oil, Morinzhi, Roselle, Ganozhi Tea, Lions Mane, Poria, Andro-G, etc.

Reasons to use Dxn RG & GL:

1. Boost the Immune System

One of the most important effects of the reishi mushroom is that it can boost your immune system.

Although most immune system benefits of reishi mushroom have been seen in those who are ill, some evidence has shown that it can help healthy people, too.

Overall, it is clear that reishi impacts white blood cells and immune function. More research is needed to determine the extent of the benefits in the healthy and ill.

2. Could Fight Fatigue and Depression

Reishi’s effects on the immune system are often most emphasized, but it has other potential advantages as well. We all knew how important Mental health is these days.

People are breaking down and facing a lot of issues related to depression and other mental issues. DXN's RG & GL also affects mental health which also

include reduced fatigue and depression, as well as improved quality of life.

Some preliminary studies have shown that reishi mushrooms could decrease anxiety and depression as well as improve quality of life in those with certain medical conditions.

3. Anti Oxidant

A small amount of research has shown that reishi mushrooms could improve good cholesterol or blood sugar.

However, the majority of the research indicates that it does not improve cholesterol, blood sugar, or antioxidants in the body.


Ganoderma Lucidum is a reddish laccate species of Ganoderma with a limited distribution in Europe and parts of China, where it grows on decaying hardwood trees. Wild populations have been found in the United States in California and Utah, but were likely introduced anthropogenically and naturalized.

Ganoderma can boost immunity, fight fatigue, improve memory, increase energy stamina, lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, relieve stress, reverse the aging process, and stimulate circulation.1 Ganoderma is also touted as a top source of antioxidants.