Ganotherapy and Holistic Human System Is the Pathway of Holistic Health for Immediate Relief for COVID19

Ganotherapy is a chain of four individual observations that support a theory that explains how Ganoderma helps the human body to overcome its own health problems. Training in the field of Ganotherapy is indispensable in order to become a herbalist or a health consultant. Basic herbology is usually taught at a university level. If not taught at an advanced level, Ganotherapy will remain in its infancy. But if it is taught only at an advanced level then it will be too difficult to understand or comprehend.

Ganotherapy is similar to engineering. The basic principle is simple but the advanced applications are not very easy.

The advanced teaching will be divided into a lecture series and a discussion series. The lecture series is a more scrupulous method of teaching and you may have to watch the videos over and over again to assimilate it. The discussion talks are more general in nature and would be simpler to comprehend. I am sure that all aspiring herbalists would find the lecture series very helpful and interesting. Dr. Savera is helping me with setting up an online university to conduct lectures on herbs and other important teachings like the Sunya. There is a formal website being set up and the videos regarding these lectures will be available on it.

Now coming to Hexagenous section theory and Hexagenous reflexology, it is more of a preparation as to what you will learn in the future. A lesson on herbs will be taught using the ancient text “Shang Han Lun”. You may wonder why we are still using texts that were written around two thousand years ago, in this modern day and age. Well, we are using this because this was the first book about herbs that was written in Chinese and since it was the first book, the theories that have been mentioned are straightforward and easy to understand. This book is still widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is very reliable because the theories that are mentioned have been tested out on humans and not animals.

It is interesting to learn about fresh herbs and to be able to use our regular day-to-day vegetables as a substitute for wild herbs. Another important factor of this is the ability to incorporate edible herbs and plants into our dining tables.

There are several useful herbs in around our factory in Siddipet, India. Dr. Savera helps in identifying the ayurvedic herbs and I can identify few Chinese and tropical herbs myself. Many of these herbs are edible and can be integrated into our daily diet. Some of these herbs can be used to make herbal tea and some of them can be dried and powered to be made into globules.

By doing this, the traditions that have been passed down to us from thousands of years are immortalized. These traditions are still relevant and can help in treating many health issues and ailments. By following this lecture series, we shall have passed down the torch to you. These teachings will help you to take care of yourself and the ones who are dear to you like family and friends. There is a long journey of herbology that awaits us! 

- Datuk Dr. Lim Siow Jin

GANOTHERAPY by Datuk Dr. Lim Siow Jin



In the world today, majority of the population are in the state of 'pre-illness' due to environmental pollution, stresses and unhealthy lifestyle such as consuming diets which are high in fats, cholesterol, sugar, salt and chemical additives. Under these circumstances, it is wise to prevent any deterioration in health rather than seek a cure after illness prevails as the saying goes: “Prevention is better than cure.”

Ganotherapy is one of the holistic approached to alternative complementary medicine. The underlying belief is that our body is the best doctor. Our body immune system when at its optimum condition is able to fight numerous diseases at one time, knowing the priority and without having side effects. All we see or feel is the reactions as it gets rid of the toxins and cure the illnesses. In Ganotherapy, it uses Ganoderma extracts from the fruit body and its mycelium to gain health.

The 4 basic principles of Ganotherapy are:


There are several stages in Ganotherapy.

Stage 1: Scanning (1-30 days)

Ganoderma helps to regulate the body functions. During the initial intake, the scanning effect will reflect in several reactions of the body, through which we may identify the ailing areas of the body.

Stage 2: Cleansing – Detoxification (1-30 weeks)

Stage 3: Regulating (1- 12 months)

Stage 4: Building (6 -24 months)

Stage 5: Regenerating (1 – 3 years)

For thousands of years Ganoderma has been considered by the Chinese to be a high quality herbal medicine. The so-called ‘A-one Medicine’ is the best medicine which does not have any side effects, even after using it for a long time. It can improve one’s constitution, increase the body’s healing ability to help maintain a healthy body, and have a long life.

Ganoderma can change an imbalanced body to a healthy one. There is no difference among human races, ancient or modern people. Ganoderma has an effect on all. The same people all over the world will obtain the same results.

How does it act on body?

In the body, all the five active elements of Ganoderma act in synergy (coordination) to bring in total health, which is the basis of GANOTHERAPY.  Ganoderma, when consumed, reaches all the cells in the body due to its unique quality of being an Adaptogen. Then the following five steps of health improvement take place.

SCANNING: During this process, the body cells are checked for Toxins and Inactivity. Most of these kinds of defects at the cell level are reported by way of REFLECTIONS through the external organs like eyes, nose, ear etc.  This is just a diagnostic phase which normally occurs within 6 weeks of starting Ganotherapy and lingers for about 5~7 days. 

DETOXIFICATION (CLEANSING): (8 30 weeks): During this phase, the unwanted / harmful matters (called the toxins) are removed from the body. The body using its own natural excretory mechanism, which is activated by Ganoderma, carries out this process.  This phase takes place for about 5 ~ 12 days, depending on the level and quality of toxins. 

During this process of detoxification, water soluble toxins ( eg., sugar, uric acid ) find their exit through urine and sweat.  Fat soluble toxins ( eg., cholesterol) are easily disposed off through phlegm.

REGULATION (1 ~ 12 months):  The bio-Chemical as well as bio-electric factors of the body are balanced and the organ functions are regulated to normal levels. 

BUILDING (6 ~ 24 months):  In this phase, the damaged cells are repaired and reconstructed. Inactive cells are re-activated. Body’s natural immune system is activated.

REJUVENATION (1 ~ 3 years):  It is a continuous process through-out life and during the process, body gains youthfulness. Oxidation of the cells prevented and ageing of the cells delayed. The natural immune system is activated at all levels.

Dosage Schedule for DXN Ganoderma

Ganoderma is not a DRUG (or MEDICINE), but a FOOD SUPPLEMENT only. Therefore, there is no dosage regime as such for Ganoderma.  However, based on the practical experience, certain dosage guidance has been arrived at for the Healthy as well as Unhealthy people. Optimum results have been observed by following this schedule. 

It is to be understood that the health improvement largely depends on the consumers own body condition, level of toxins in the body, duration of suffering from any ailment and the other lines of treatment one is undergoing. But one can certainly expect a good overall improvement in health on continuous consumption for more than 12 months. Long term health recovery and protection are more appreciated in Ganotherapy than the short term relief, as noticed in many other lines of treatment. 

Dosage for the HEALTHY: One pair (1RG + 1GL) in the morning on empty stomach and one pair in the evening on empty stomach (about half an hour before Supper).

Dosage for the UNHEALTHY: Gano dosage does not depend on the type of ailment. It is rather decided by the intensity of the ailment. All patients may be grouped under any of the three broad classifications, in order to arrive at the daily dosage. 


Beauty is Skin-Deep!  But Health is Cell-Deep!

A single herb is able to give all the three benefits of health to the human body, which is very unique in the health sciences.  It is an Elixir of Life!

RECOVERY from the earlier ailments!

MAINTENANCE of the present good health!

PROTECTION from the future problems to health!

GANODERMA is for Health, whereas DRUGS are specific to Diseases (or Symptoms).

Ganotherapy and Holistic Human System Is the Pathway of Holistic Health for Immediate Relief for COVID19

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