Four Stages of COVID Flu Infection

Macrotherapy based on the teachings from “The Discussion On Harmful Disease/Symptoms - Shang Han Lun.

Webinar Training How To Manage COVID-19

Special Guest Speaker:

DXN Founder and CEO

Chills & Fever


At this stage the patient has chills. He may or may not have fever. His pulse is felt to be floating (on surface). In Lung Flu, the skin is dry and the pulse is a bit tense. In a stomach flu pulse is soft as skin is always wet.


Use Paracetamol or Aspirin with sugar water to induce sweating. This stage is easy to be treated with simple remedies.

Some vegetable soup using leek or onion, tomato, ginger and dates also can induce sweating.

Induce simple perspiration which is a kind of detox to eliminate the toxins and also to flush out the viruses. This type of perspiration is different than that Induced with sauna or exercise which is purely water loss.

Panting & Fever


At this stage the infection has already spread causing water congestion in lungs making it difficult to breathe, the patient starts to gasp for air and can even faint.


Soup Made of: Water to be boiled with – Leek (100 gm) + Apricort Kernel (20/30 gm) /Peppermint (10 gm)+ Cinnamon (10 gm) + Ginger (10 gm) + Liquorice/Dates/Jaggery (10 gm)

Apricort Kernel can be blend into powder and boiled into milk and taken with sugar. Bitter Apricort kernel is always better.

Ephedra helps to remove water from lungs. To be used with Caution. An allergic reaction to Ephedra can cause continuous sweating leading to dehydration. Antidote – Apply Talcum Powder to body + Drink Cold Water

Caution: Do not take it for fun

Chills on & off (similar to malarial fever)


At this stage, the heat goes inside the body, and the patient has difficulty with breathing with high grade fever and chills on and off.


Soup Made of: Use Apricort Kernel (20-30 gm)/Peppermint + Cinnamon + Ginger Fresh (10-20 gm)+Liquorice/Dates/Jaggery (10 gm) + Orange with peel (1) + Tomato (1) to prevent over sweating.

If there are No Chills but only high grade fever, pearl powder 3 gm or Gypsum 30 gm to be boiled in water. Mother of Pearl powder (9 gm) can also be used.

Decoction Made of Ephedra (30 gm) +Mint (30 gm fresh or 10 gm dry) +Cinnamon 10 gm dry

Caution: Do not take it for fun

Gasping for Air & High grade fever.


At this stage, the symptoms are serious, oxygen levels start to drop as the patient gasps for air and has very high grade fever. This stage should be managed under medical supervision/macrotherapist.


Pearl powder 3 gm or Gypsum 30 gm to be boiled in water. Mother of Pearl powder (9 gm) can also be used.

Aconite purified by boiling in water can be used to stimulate the heart in case of cardiac arrest or heart attack.

Caution: Do not take it for fun.

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