
Most of my papers are available at If you can't access them, let me know: robert.fuchs (at)

Monographs, edited volumes and editing of journal special issues

[A 7] Fuchs, Robert (ed). 2023. Speech Rhythm in Learner and Second Language Varieties of English. Singapore: Springer.

[A 6] Suárez-Gómez, Cristina, Lucía Loureiro Porto and Robert Fuchs (eds.). 2020. World Englishes and Grammatical variation. Special issue of World Englishes 39(3).

[A 5] Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner (eds.). 2020. Tense and aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research. Amsterdam: Benjamins [Reissue of A4 as edited volume].

      Reviewed by Yukio Tono, Research in Corpus Linguistics, Vol. 8(2)

[A 4] Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner (eds.). 2018. Tense and aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research. Special issue of the International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 4(2).

[A 3] Nelson, Gerry, Robert Fuchs and Ulrike Gut (eds.). 2017. Symposium on World Englishes and the International Corpus of English (ICE) Project. Special issue of World Englishes 36(3).

[A 2] Fuchs, Robert. 2016. Speech Rhythm in Varieties of English. Evidence from Educated Indian English and British English. Singapore: Springer.

Reviewed by David Deterding, English Language & Linguistics, Vol. 22(3); Shuangshuang Lu,  English Today, Vol. 34(1); Jane Setter, International Journal of English Studies, Vol. 17(1); Eivind Nessa Torgersen, Nordic Journal of English Studies, Vol. 16(3)

[A 1] Gut, Ulrike, Robert Fuchs and Eva-Maria Wunder, eds. 2015. Universal or Diverse Paths to English Phonology? Bridging the Gap between Research on Phonological Acquisition of English as a Second, Third or Foreign Language. Berlin: de Gruyter (Topics in English Linguistics).

Articles in journals (peer-reviewed)

[B 18] Meer, Philipp, Robert Fuchs, Dagmar Deuber, Véronique Lacoste and Eva Canan Hänsel. 2023. Prosodic variation of English in Dominica, Grenada, and Trinidad. English World-Wide 42(1), 48-72. (Preprint)

[B 17] Meer, Philipp and Robert Fuchs. 2022. The Trini Sing-Song: Sociophonetic variation in Trinidadian English prosody and differences to other varieties. Language and Speech 65(4), 923-957. [Praat script to measure pitch level, range and dynamism]

[B 16] Meer, Philipp, Robert Fuchs, Anika Gerfer, Ulrike Gut and Zeyu Li. 2021. Rhotics in Standard Scottish English. English World-Wide 42(2), 121-144.

[B 15] Fuchs, Robert and Ariane Macalinga Borlongan. 2021. Recent Diachronic Change in the Perfect-Past Alternation in Two Asian Englishes: Endonormativity vs. Americanisation. Anglistik. International Journal of English Studies 32(1), 65-89.

[B 14] Rautionaho, Paula and Robert Fuchs. 2021. Recent change in stative progressives: A collostructional investigation of British English in 1994 and 2014. English Language & Linguistics 25(1), 35-60.

[B 13] Fuchs, Robert. 2020. The progressive in 19th and 20th century settler and indigenous Indian English. World Englishes 39(3): 394-410.

[B 12] Stell, Gerald and Robert Fuchs. 2019. Intergroup dynamics and variation in postcolonial ESL varieties: A preliminary analysis of Namibian English vowel systems. English World-Wide 40(2), 144-169.

[B 11] Parviainen, Hanna and Robert Fuchs. 2019. ‘I don’t get time only’: an apparent-time investigation of clause-final focus particles in Asian Englishes. Asian Englishes 21(3): 285-304.

[B 10] Edwards, Alison and Robert Fuchs. 2018. A cluster-analysis of attitudes to English in the Netherlands and Germany. World Englishes 37(4): 653-667.

[B 9] Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner. 2018. The use of stative progressives by school-age learners of English and the importance of the variable context – myth vs. (corpus) reality. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 4(2): 195-224.

[B 8] Fuchs, Robert. 2017. The Americanisation of Philippine English. Recent diachronic change in spelling and lexis. Philippine ESL Journal 19(1): 60-83.

[B 7] Fuchs, Robert. 2017. Do women use more intensifiers than men? Recent change in the sociolinguistics of intensifiers in British English. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 22(3): 345-374.

[B 6] Gut, Ulrike and Robert Fuchs. 2017. Exploring speaker fluency with phonologically annotated ICE corpora. World Englishes 36(3): 387-403.

[B 5] Werner, Valentin and Robert Fuchs. 2017. The present perfect in Nigerian English. English Language and Linguistics 21(1): 129-153.

[B 4] Davies, Mark and Robert Fuchs. 2015. Expanding Horizons in the Study of World Englishes with the 1.9 Billion Word Global Web-Based English Corpus (GloWbE). English World-Wide 36(1), 1-28.

[B 3] Fuchs, Robert, Ulrike Gut and Taiwo Soneye. 2013. ‘“We just don’t even know”: The usage of the pragmatic focus particles even and still in Nigerian English.’ English World-Wide 34(2): 123-145.

[B 2] Gut, Ulrike and Robert Fuchs. 2013. Progressive aspect in Nigerian English. Journal of English Linguistics 41(3): 243-267.

[B 1] Fuchs, Robert. 2012. Focus marking and semantic transfer in Indian English: the case of 'also'. English World-Wide 33(1): 27-53.

Chapters in edited volumes (peer-reviewed)

[C 22] Fuchs, Robert. 2024/to appear. Influencing people around the globe - The linguistic expression of persuasion across varieties of English worldwide. In Dayter, Daria & Sofia Rüdiger, eds. Manipulation, Influence, and Deception: The Changing Landscape of Persuasive Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Preprint)

[C 21] Lange, Claudia & Robert Fuchs. 2024/to appear. English in India. In Hickey, Raymond & Kate Burridge, eds. New Cambridge History of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[C 20] Fuchs, Robert. 2023. Rhythm Metrics and the Perception of Rhythmicity in Varieties of English as a Second Language. In Fuchs, Robert (ed.), Speech Rhythm in Learner and Second Language Varieties of English. Singapore: Springer, 187-210.

[C 19] Fuchs, Robert. 2023. Colonial lag or feature retention in postcolonial varieties of English. The negative scalar conjunction “and that too” in South Asian Englishes and beyond. In Rautionaho, Paula, Hanna Parviainen, Mark Kaunisto & Arja Nurmi, eds. Social and Regional Variation in World Englishes: Local and Global Perspectives. London: Routledge, 123-148. (Preprint)

[C 18] Fuchs, Robert. 2023. Analysing the speech rhythm of New Englishes: A guide to researchers and a case study on Pakistani, Philippine, Nigerian and British English. In Wilson, Guyanne & Michael Westphal, eds. New Englishes, New Methods. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 132-155. (Preprint)

[C 17] Fuchs, Robert. 2023. Spelling and punctuation. In Borlongan, Ariane Macalinga, ed. Philippine English: Development, Structure, and Sociology of English in the Philippines. London: Routledge, 113-122.  

[C 16] Fuchs, Robert. 2021. Sociolinguistic variation in intensifier usage in Indian and British English: Gender and language in the Inner and Outer Circle. In Tobias Bernaisch, ed. Gender in World Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 47-68.

[C 15] Werner Valentin, Robert Fuchs & Sandra Götz. 2021. L1 influence vs. universal learning mechanisms: An SLA-driven corpus study on temporal expression. In Le Bruyn, Bert & Magali Paquot, eds. Learner Corpus Research Meets Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 39-66.

[C 14] Fuchs, Robert. 2021. Hong Kong English: Structural features and future prospects. In Siemund, Peter & Jakob Leimgruber, eds. Multilingual Global Cities: Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai. London: Routledge, 285-302.

[C 13] Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner. 2020. The use of stative progressives by school-age learners of English and the importance of the variable context – myth vs. (corpus) reality. In Fuchs, Robert & Valentin Werner, eds. Tense and aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 53-82 [Reprint of B9 in edited volume].

[C 12] Edwards, Alison and Robert Fuchs. 2020. Varieties of English in the Netherlands and Germany. In Hickey, Raymond (ed.). English in the German-Speaking World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 267-293.

[C 11] Götz, Sandra, Valentin Werner & Robert Fuchs. 2019. Temporal adverbials in the acquisition of past-time reference: A cross-sectional study of L1 German and Cantonese learners of English. In Abel, Andrea, Aivars Glaznieks, Verena Lyding & Lionel Nicholas, eds. Widening the Scope of Learner Corpus Research. Selected Papers from the Fourth Learner Corpus Research Conference. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presse universitaires de Louvain, 43-70.

[C 10] Fuchs, Robert, Bertus van Rooy and Ulrike Gut. 2019. Corpus-based research on English in Africa: A practical introduction. In Esimaje, Alexandra U., Ulrike Gut and Bassey E. Antia, eds. Corpus Linguistics and African Englishes. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 37-69.

[C 9] Fuchs, Robert. 2018. The phonology of English. In Hewings, Ann, Philip Seargeant and Stephen Pihlaja, eds. The Routledge Handbook of English Language Studies. Abingdon: Routledge, 121-135.

[C 8] Schützler, Ole, Ulrike Gut and Robert Fuchs. 2017. New perspectives on Scottish Standard English: Introducing the Scottish component of the International Corpus of English. In Beal, Joan and Sylvie Hancil, eds. Perspectives on Northern Englishes. Berlin: de Gruyter, 273-302.

[C 7] Fuchs, Robert. 2016. The frequency of the present perfect in varieties of English around the World. In Werner, Valentin, Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez, eds. Re-Assessing the Present Perfect. Berlin: de Gruyter, 223-258.

[C 6] Fuchs, Robert, Sandra Götz and Valentin Werner. 2016. The present perfect in learner Englishes: A corpus-based case study on L1 German intermediate and advanced speech and writing. In Werner, Valentin, Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez, eds. Re-Assessing the Present Perfect. Berlin: de Gruyter, 297-337.

[C 5] Fuchs, Robert and Ulrike Gut. 2016. Register variation in intensifier usage across Asian Englishes. In Pichler, Heike, ed. Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change: Insights from English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 185-210.

[C 4] Fuchs, Robert and Ulrike Gut. 2015. An apparent time study of the progressive in Nigerian English. In Collins, Peter, ed. Grammatical Change in English World-Wide. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 373-387.

[C 3] Fuchs, Robert and Eva-Maria Wunder. 2015. A sonority-based account of speech rhythm in Chinese learners of English. In Gut, Ulrike, Robert Fuchs and Eva-Maria Wunder, eds. Universal or Diverse Paths to English Phonology? Bridging the Gap between Research on Phonological Acquisition of English as a Second, Third or Foreign Language. Berlin: de Gruyter, 165-183.

[C 2] Fuchs, Robert. 2015. You're not from around here, are you? A dialect discrimination experiment with speakers of of British and Indian English. In Delais-Roussarie, Elisabeth, Mathieu Avanzi and Sophie Herment, eds. Prosody and Language in Contact. Berlin: Springer, 123-148.

[C 1] Fuchs, Robert. 2014. You got the beat: Rhythm and timing. In Raphael Monroy-Casas and Inmaculada de Jesus Arboleda Guirao, eds. Readings in English Phonetics and Phonology. Valencia: IULMA-UV, 165-188.

Articles in journals and edited volumes, reports (not peer-reviewed)

[D 7] Fuchs, Robert. 2023. A Synthesis of Research on Speech Rhythm in Native, Learner and Second Language Varieties of English – Introduction to the Volume. In Fuchs, Robert (ed.), Speech Rhythm in Learner and Second Language Varieties of English. Singapore: Springer, 1-14.

[D 6] Sayers, Dave, Rui Sousa-Silva, Sviatlana Höhn, ..., Robert Fuchs, et al. 2021. The Dawn of the Human-Machine Era: A forecast of new and emerging language technologies. Report for EU COST Action CA19102 ‘Language in The Human-Machine Era’.

[D 5] Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner. 2020. Tense and aspect in Second Language Acquisition and learner corpus research. In Fuchs, Robert & Valentin Werner, eds. Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1-21 [Reprint of D3 in edited volume].

[D 4] Suárez‐Gómez, Cristina, Lucía Loureiro‐Porto and Robert Fuchs. 2020. World Englishes and grammatical variation. Introduction to the special issue. World Englishes 39(3), 370-6.

[D 3] Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner. 2018. Tense and aspect in Second Language Acquisition and learner corpus research: Introduction to the special issue. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 4(2), 143-163.

[D 2] Davies, Mark and Robert Fuchs. 2015. Reply to the responses to 'Expanding Horizons in the Study of World Englishes with the 1.9 Billion Word Global Web-Based English Corpus (GloWbE)'. English World-Wide 36(1), 45-47.

[D 1] Gut, Ulrike, Robert Fuchs and Eva-Maria Wunder. 2015. Introduction. In Gut, Ulrike, Robert Fuchs und Eva-Maria Wunder, eds. Universal or Diverse Paths to English Phonology? Bridging the Gap between Research on Phonological Acquisition of English as a Second, Third or Foreign Language. Berlin: de Gruyter,1-8.

Conference proceedings

[E 16] Chan, Hoi Ling & Robert Fuchs. 2023. Revisiting the vowels of Hong Kong English - the post-handover generation. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2023), Prague.

[E 15] Payne, Elinor, Olga Maxwell, Robert Fuchs and Yizhou Wang. 2023. Lexical Stress Perception in Indian Englishes. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2023), Prague.

[E 14] Maxwell, Olga and Robert Fuchs. 2019. Cross-dialectal speech processing: perception of lexical stress by Indian English listeners. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2019), Melbourne, 2710-2714.

[E 13] Meer, Philipp and Robert Fuchs. 2019. Pitch level, range and dynamism in Trinidadian English: A comparative study with other varieties of English. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2019), Melbourne, 329-333.

[E 12] Fuchs, Robert. 2019. Almost [w]anishing: The elusive /v/-/w/ contrast in Educated Indian English. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2019), Melbourne, 1382-1386.

[E 11] Jamakovic, Nisad and Robert Fuchs. 2019. The Monophthongs of Formal Nigerian English: An Acoustic Analysis. Proceedings of Interspeech 2019, Graz, 1711-1715.

[E 10] Dyrenko, Natalia and Robert Fuchs. 2018. The Diphthongs of Formal Nigerian English: A Preliminary Acoustic Analysis. Proceedings of Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, 2563-2567.

[E 9] Fuchs, Robert. 2018. Pitch Range, Dynamism and Level in Postcolonial Varieties of English: A Comparison of Educated Indian English and British English. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2018, 893-897.

[E 8] Puga, Karin, Robert Fuchs, Toby Hudson, Jane Setter and Peggy Mok. 2018. The Perception-Production Link in Intonation: Evidence from German Learners of EnglishProceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2018, 685-689.

[E 7] Puga, Karin, Robert Fuchs, Jane Setter and Peggy Mok. 2017. The Perception of English Intonation Patterns by German L2 speakers of English. Proceedings of Interspeech 2017, 3241-5.

[E 6] Fuchs, Robert. 2016. The acoustic correlates of stress and accent in English content and function words. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2016, 435-9.

[E 5] Fuchs, Robert and Olga Maxwell. 2016. The effects of mp3 compression on the measurement of fundamental frequency. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2016, 523-7.

[E 4] Fuchs, Robert. 2015. Word-initial glottal stop insertion, hiatus resolution and linking in British English. Proceedings of Interspeech 2015, Dresden, Germany, 1675-9.

[E 3] Fuchs, Robert and Olga Maxwell. 2015. The placement and acoustic realisation of primary and secondary stress in Indian English. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow.

[E 2] Fuchs, Robert. 2014. Integrating variability in loudness and duration in a multidimensional model of speech rhythm: Evidence from Indian English and British English. In Campbell, Nick, Dafydd Gibbon and Daniel Hirst, eds. Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 290-294. Dublin.

[E 1] Fuchs, Robert. 2014. Towards a perceptual model of speech rhythm: Integrating the influence of f0 on perceived duration. In Li, Haizhou, Helen Meng, Ma Bin, Eng Siong Chng and Lei Xie, eds. Proceedings of Interspeech 2014, Singapore, 1949-1953.