Team in Action

CEO Russell Palmer with Author Ipyani Lockert of Motivational Realizations.

Revolve Co-Founder Cesar Gomez handling registration for the second Youth Business Conference with Black Chamber Of Commerce.

Michael Diaz with the new banner for a Subsidiary project Pacific Adventure Connection a brand to allow students of CSUSB to go on local Advertures with the PAC of other CSUSB students!

Our team all set up at the Downtown Summer fest 2014 promoting the use of NFC technology for small businesses. Left to right Danny B., Michael Diaz, David Smit, & ND Winn, MBA.

Revolve Touch CEO Russell Palmer with CEO Johnny Earle about the use of cryptocurrency at his business.

Our team showcasing NFC technology to CSUSB students.

Our team meeting at The Headquarters: Brandon Aguilera (BZ), Vanessa Dollente, Russell Palmer, Cesar Gomez, Ipyani Lockert, David Smit & Erick Lemus-Nadurille.

Planning time for a new blockchain project at The Headquarters.

The team is at an event promoting a new project.

ND Winn listens to CSUSB students and discusses the importance of security in interactions over on-campus information systems. We discovered the students' understanding of cloud technology was limited and that they had concerns we knew they would, which is one of many reasons we created Revolve Touch kiosks!

People are always lining up to talk to David Smit our Technology man! But also, Cesar Gomez (seen not facing Camera on the far left) seems to have captured the attention of the small crowd, perhaps he is just introducing David at the Bridge The tech Gap event?

Community service: Our team interacting with locals for a park clean up at Wildwood Park in San Bernardino, Ca. We got a good team together and cleaned the whole park in just 3-5 hours.

Cesar Gomez & Erick Lemus-Nadurille working together at the park clean up! The Revolve Touch CEO Russell Palmer behind the camera only for a short minute and then back to work!

Recently, since January 2021, CEO Russell Palmer has been working within the Cannabis industry, supporting Farmers Cup of San Diego with Contestant Outreach, Sponsorship Outreach and Promotion. You can reach Russell at

Also, he has been working on an SEO project for a Cannabis News Publisher Candid Chronicle. If you are interested in publishing worthy cannabis news, please reach out to them! You can also reach out directly to Russell at

This article is about how Farmers Cup is featured in Forbes and also how quickly 4/20, a celebratory cultural event within Cannabis Culture, is approaching in 2021 due to the new Leadership in the US under a Democratic top down political majority. Please take a look at "710MPH to 4/20" and feel FREE to send me an event to list on the Candid Chronicle's 4/20 event page.

Novmeber 15, 2021 Update:

I don't know if you heard the news about Tommy Chong endorsing our outreach to Small Farmers, but we have extended the deadline for samples to help smaller farmers to jump on to the contest, if you can make the Dec 1st deadline, please reach out ! Also, a free Expo Vendor ticket for all contestants of the Harvest Cup.

Harvest Cup Entry Date has been Extended to help Small Farmers enter! December 1st!

Also, see what is happening in the San Diego market for 2022:

This Fall the San Diego Cannabis Farmers Market hosts a Business Expo and a Harvest Cup, we can get your brand placed in front of many San Diego cannabis users and influencers.

  1. SoCal Cannabis & Hemp Career Fair + Business Expo (You can get a FREE Booth Space with Competitor Registration to Harvest Cup!)

  2. Expo Attendee Ticket (FREE) Here is the free ticket to join as an attendee, if you like, you can share this on your social media, we are trying to promote careers in cannabis right when people need opportunities.

  3. Harvest Cup registration (samples due by Dec 1st, awards Ceremony Virtual on Dec 19th)

  4. Hey Man, Tommy Chong just went out and Endorsed us!

Would you be interested to jump on a call to discuss this?

What is next to Come to Cannabis Industry?

Our company has been working on NEW technology to create a whole new social connecting tool to augment reality and hyper local connections. With our new Brand Props Social, we want to allow in front of your face promotions without all the clutter. Imagine not knowing you were seeing ads, but more beauty of art and the natural occurrence of what you like crossing your path visually...

Well, Props is just that!

If you want to see digital content about clouds, look to the sky with the Props Social app & sure enough, you will find digital content fresh & relevant to Clouds.

Take the same thing, apply it to cultural events, imagine as soon as you got your ticket to an event you could already connect with those who are going, and NO I do not mean moderated connections by the event host as seen on Facebook or Eventbrite, I mean we want to open it up for totally social interactions. Scan your ticket with the props app, and bam, you are exclusively connected to a page ONLY other's who have scanned the ticket can access. Yea, sure we can be copied, others can do this too, but Props is geared to be everywhere our users want to connect.

What does Props Social app offer that is absolutely unique?

The Props Sticker!

Props Stickers are truly exciting, we have 3 varieties: Business, Props User & Premium User.

Props Biz Sticker

The Business sticker is basically the historical sticker of the past, re-engineered to last forever, with fabric materials, high DPI, un-tearable, water resistant, NO residue and reusable sticker with optional embedded technology. We use Image Recognition for all of our stickers, but also our business clients will have more options with NFC & BLE technology. Imagine a Sticker you can give your patrons that not only promotes, it creates a augmented experience with their brand for all Props users.

We create Relationships with brands and their niche environments or places where their market interacts.

Imagine buying a Skate Board at the local Skate Shop, and getting a Skate Shop branded Props stickers. On the sticker it describes the process and instructs you to download the Props Social App to begin getting rewards for Skate Shop. The patron downloads the app, and is instructed to act like a social influencer by recording content related to the product and post it in their favorite active space. The user creates a video including their setup of their new Skateboard Deck, a bit about why they buy local, and a video of them shredding it on the local skate park. The patron ties the media to the Props Sticker, and slaps the sticker on the local half pipe at the park.

A skater arrives to the Skate park, finds a Props Social sticker and downloads the app, they scan their first Prop and find the video from the patron of the Skate Shop, they see the video and at the end are queued to like and follow the skate shop. If so, next the user can collect the content and earn Props Social karma points! Also, the person who shared the props sticker earns points for having shared content worthy of a view.

Props User Sticker

Props users can buy and be rewarded with Props Stickers, be prepared to see premium stickers all over with a Props Social iconic hand print logo, which will become more popular than the QR code of the past. The props stickers are all absolutely Unique to tech, but to our eyes look identical. These stickers allow users to connect with other locals without anyone knowing they are gathering. Props is not so mysterious, we are a "path based" social media, where we like to connect users who cross paths. This means Props can allow you to know who sits at your favorite spot at your local Cafe; who uses your locker at the gym; who rides the same half-pipe; or gets around the block in the the neighborhood.

We connect these people without creating a crowd, it is all digital but LOCAL!

Imagine going down your regular hiking trail and you begin to notice discrete Props Stickers on mile markers along the way. You begin to scan them and find an audio track, the audio track is a tour of the local trail, as you go from one mile marker to the next you can collect the content and earn Props Social karma points! Also, the person who shared the props sticker earns points for having shared content worthy of a view.