HQ Incubation

What is a Start Up Incubator?

History of HQ team

First let’s do a bit of history on our team and what we have done in the community. We have been interacting in the small business and new venture community of San Bernardino and Riverside county for approximately 3-4 years. Our team has been heavily engaged in the community for the past years, our team has seen many of the problems with the local Small Business entrepreneurial support and also the economic struggle for all our community. As CSUSB students and Alumni we felt the student community should have a way to create in our city and gain support of others in San Bernardino, we told many students and entrepreneurs of the beauty found in this city. After talking to these groups we got a lot of feedback and we realized while many had issues with San Bernardino, the basic infrastructure for these individuals did not exist to keep them in San Bernardino. Sadly there are only a few places in our city to use wifi; meet clients or collaborators; meet community organizers; or even share with people what you are trying to accomplish in the community. At “The Headquarters” we want to become the collaboration and meeting space that your Team or business can call home!

We saw independent contractors meeting over broken cafe tables with clients they could not afford to lose; community organizers stuck meeting on the stairs of city hall with only masses of people for warmth as their only amenity and not even a restroom option; students working hard with terrible wifi connections while trying to be productive. After realizing so many others around us needed that same basic amenity of a space to be and work, we understood many needed a space to call their own headquarters or hub. After realizing this we began listening to the need of these displaced entrepreneurial thinkers and working professionals. It turns out many do not meet at famous cafes for the coffee but the wifi, restrooms, warmth (or cool), a seat and a desk. Actually we found cafes seemed to be the only decent option for meeting clients or collaborators because they let this displaced group just use the space and internet connection. Data from our survey research showed that entrepreneurs would gladly ditch the café smell, noise and limited space for the most basic amenity of space, silence and real wifi connection. This is where our start up incubator comes into play.

Finally: What is HQ Incubation?

Incubation is commonly tossed around in the startup world, many may not fully understand why a business needs incubation, but it is rare a business opens up and has absolutely everything it needs to turn a profit or even break even. Incubation is providing nurturing support to a new business either financial or resources such as affordable space to conduct business, educational programs, meeting space, printing, mail services and other business services. Incubation is quite often defined as year 1 to year 2 of business, our location supports incubation in a unique way via hands on learning and community projects. HQ is a supporter of businesses pre-incubation almost before you have the whole business model and plan developed. HQ incubation provides Headquarters coworking membership, education and hands on learning before your business is fully established. To become a part of our incubator program we only ask participating businesses to propose the resources that we can help your business and we counter propose with community project assignments, services your business will provide Headquarters Coworking members, and various other bartered services that enhance our community and/or our coworking community. If your business needs support or resources email us at TheHeadquartersSB@gmail.com letting us know who you are, your business name and how HQ Incubation can help your business.

What is Headquarters Coworking?

The Headquarters is in the heart of downtown San Bernardino. We provide meeting and coworking space to our guests, we provide shared work space to members of HQ, and provide many basic amenities and educational resources to new business members. From conferences and presentations, our entrepreneurial hub allows start ups and independent contractors to make the most of their business. At HQ, we will always seek to grow to provide more for members of our workspace as we see demands and opportunity to provide. If you’re interested in day office rental, monthly membership, or virtual office you can contact The Headquarters Coworking today in San Bernardino, CA about becoming an HQ member.

The HQ is 2,200 square feet of office workspace that provides:

  • High-speed Wifi (the fastest in San Bernardino)
  • Print service
  • Multifunctional worktables
  • Virtual office services (phone, fax, live receptionist, mail services, call/fax/mail forwarding)
  • Comfortable seating
  • Audio Visual equipment
  • Coffee maker & basics
  • Snack/food preparation countertop space
  • Smartboards (Audio/Visual all in one technology, digital whiteboard, screen mirroring, projection and more)
  • Private reservable office rooms
  • A large conference room
  • Rotating Art Exhibitions
  • mailbox services
  • and other business services