Our Current Projects

Props Social Media app

I recently had a revelation that an idea I had as a child could actually be done today, this concept was to create a physical social medium. It is hard to imagine that in the 1990's a child could think of something as difficult as what Props has developed into, but the idea was simply to unify local people with a 'badge' like validation from people who have interacted with a person. The idea came from cars and bumper stickers, people do crazy things with their cars, so many times I remember being a passenger of a car and hearing an adult frustrated with another driver or having parked next to someone who did not know how to drive. As a child, I thought it would be neat if bumper stickers had a simple meaning like a thumbs up for "neat" or the opposite thumbs down, of course... a middle finger for "this person is a jerk" ( I was a teenager then, most people seemed like jerks), a hang-loose hand sign for "really cool" and the I love you hand sign for reflection of obvious infatuation. My idea to start a sticker company that encouraged people to go post stickers all over had an issue, in 1990's stickers were as much a menace to society as graffiti was in fact I remember my mother saying "that would be considered defacing property" and the idea simply had this Achilles' heel that submission to the governing body would be the end to a business idea that also had other flaws because of the times.

After reflecting on this idea, I had another idea that was much more modern and had less limitations and several opportunities for expansion. What Props does is allow users to network with people they actually cross paths with or share an environment with but maybe at different times. This allows for people to meet peers they may not normally meet, and maybe they find new things; share interests with other users and make new friends; discover local treasures and become more engaged locally; discuss local issues and make impact; or support locals who are taking action to build the community. After looking at the landscape of social media users, people are tired of missing out on real life experiences, that may be a reason why so many people chased Pokemon Go all over. They want to belong to a group Identity as well, they want to interact with others after all humans are social beings. Props offers a culture of 'get out and do something', and share when you feel it could inspire, open eyes, or be relevant to others in the location you are at whether a venue, business, gym, school or public place. Props users will be like the Facebook Exclusive user of the past (it was once limited to only .edu email accounts holders), only those "in the know" will be using Props, but every treasure users leave behind via a Prop post will work to attract new users.

Props Social Media has a lot of user case applications, but the easiest way to define the application would be to call it an Mixed Reality Social Media because users are basically going to put physical Props in the world around us, most may notice but not know what it is, Props app users will find them and scan them to pop up secret digital content. Props social media application will be using Google maps, Google Nearby, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Amazon Web Services cloud database, and Amazon Rekognition. Currently, the Props application is in incubation with Indiegogo & Arrow Electronics and will be certified by the program upon program completion.

Props will be using this Amazon Web Services Rekognition software to Rekognize physical images to reflect in app digital medias and in app digital content. We are researching the possibilities of the potential of our app and a best possible MVP for before launch in our first test market.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) & Google Nearby

We are working on potential uses of more cutting edge technologies in the first launch of this social media application. If you are familiar with what BLE technology can do imagine an augmented reality social media!

Contact RP@RevolveTouch.com for more information!