12 Best Home Workout Plan For Weight Loss

A workout is a type of rebornness. You don’t just feel great after you finish a good workout, you’ll feel better about yourself.

A workout reflects a personal victory over laziness and procrastination. It’s a winner’s badge-the symbol of an disciplined, goal-oriented person who took over his, or her, destiny. A workout makes you better today than you were yesterday. This strengthens the body, relaxes the mind and makes the spirit stronger. Your issues diminish as you work out regularly and your confidence increases.

A workout is a smart use of time and an investment in excellence.This is a way to train for the struggles of life and to prove to yourself that you have what it takes to do what’s needed. A workout is a key that helps to open the door to opportunity and success. There is an incredible force concealed within each one of us. The causes which can unlock it are physical and mental health.

In this article, We will explain about different weight Loss Workout Plan.

What is Workout?

Exercise is a more general term for physical activity, while exercise refers more to a particular collection of physical exercises, typically at a gym, that follow a precise pattern. A typicaIIy workout involves a series of exercises such as pushups, pullups, squats, Iunges. Exercise is just one movement such as pushup. A workout can be described as more of an structured exercise routine and typically consists of more than one action.

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Different Weight Loss Workout Plan:

Week One:

1- 40 Jumping Jacks, 10 Push Ups , 30 Squats , 30 Crunches.

2- 40 High Knees , 30 Sec Plank , 30 Lunges , 10 Push Ups.

3- 40 Jumping Jacks , 15 Push Ups, 30 Squats , 30 Crunches.

4- 40 High knees , 30 sec Plank , 30 Lunges , 15 Push Ups.

5- 20 Burpees , 20 Squats , 35 Crunches , 30 Plank Jacks.

6- 5 minutes Jog, 10 minutes Stretch.


Week Two:

1- 45 Jumping Jacks , 15 Push Ups , 35 Squats , 35 Crunches.

2- 45 High Knees , 35 sec Plank , 35 Lunges , 15 Push Ups.

3- 45 Jumping Jacks , 15 Push Ups , 35 Squats , 35 Crunches.

4- 45 High Knees , 35 sec Plank , 35 Lunges , 15 Push Ups.

5- 25 Burpees , 25 Squats , 35 Crunches , 30 Plank Jacks.

6- 6 minutes Jog ,10 minutes Stretch.

7- Reset.

Week Three:

1- 50 Jumping Jacks , 20 Push Ups , 40 Squats , 40 Crunches.

2- 50 High Knees , 40 sec Plank , 40 Lunges , 25 Push Ups.

3–50 Jumping Jacks ,25 Push Ups , 40 Squats , 40 Crunches.

4- 50 High Knees , 40 sec Plank , 40 Lunges , 25 Push Ups.

5–25 Burpees , 45 Squats , 45 Crunches , 35 Plank Jacks.

6- 7 minutes Jog, 10 minutes Stretch.

7- Reset.

Week Four:

1- 55 Jumping Jacks , 30 Push Ups , 45 Squats , 45 Crunches.

2- 55 High Knees , 50 sec Plank , 45 Lunges , 30 Push Ups.

3- 60 Jumping Jacks , 50 Push Ups , 30 Squats , 50 Crunches.

4- 60 High Knees , 50 Sec Plank , 50 Lunges , 35 Push Ups.

5- 30 Burpees , 55 Squats , 55 Crunches , 40 Plank Jacks.

6- 5 minutes Jog , 10 minutes Stretch.

7- Reset.

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Workout Of Four Week:

Push Ups —

Start kneeling on a mat or ground exercise degree and bring your feet behind you. Lean over to put yourself in an extraordinarily high surface, the highest of an arm exercise put, with your palms flat on the mat, hands apart shoulder-width, and with your fingers pointing forward or hands turning slightly in. You should put your tours above your head. Behind you your feet should be behind, and your back should be smooth. Keep your abs power in. Drop your body to the bottom, slowly. Hold a straight skull, and align your head with your back. Don’t let your thighs climb upwards or your low back sag.Keep dropping yourself until your chest or chin parts drop.

Your elbows can expand upwards along with your arms in the downward movement. Press. Continue to push until the region of your arms is reached at your elbows and you are back within the frame, at the top of the arm exercise place. Start with ten pushups, or you’ll be able to do many with the right kind of pushups, and work your way up as you develop power.

Squats —

Stand with feet a touch wider than hip length, toes facing front. Drive your hips back — bending your knees and ankles and pressing your knees slightly open — as you. Sit in a squat posture while holding your heels and toes on the bottom, chest up and shoulders back. Strive to ideally achieve parallel, which means knees unit bent to an angle of 90 degrees. Press in your heels and straight back.Apply weights to your squats to burn calories faster. Squats help increase flexibility. Improving your flexibility should be part of every well-rounded fitness program. Our muscles, tendons and ligaments become less elastic with age so doing all we can to slow down this cycle is a good idea. Squats Help with Stability and Balance.

Strong legs are important to stay flexible as you get older and that’s where squats come in. They not only build strength in the legs, they also work out the heart, stabilizing muscles.Squats Help support the heart and lungs. The strength needed to squat helps strengthen your heart muscles and boost your lung ability, particularly as you start adding weights. Squats also help reinforce these supporting tissues, which can be the difference between an injury or not. Squats will preserve and enhance your joints. Therefore, the power to sprint and leap is improved.

Crunches —

The crunch is a traditional core exercise. It teaches your abdominal muscles in particular, which are part of your core. Lie down on your back. Plant your feet, hip-width apart, on the concrete. Bend your knees and put your arms over your chest. Contract your abs and inhale. Exhale and lift your upper body, keeping your head and neck relaxed. Inhale and return to the starting position. It targets just the abdominal muscles, though, so it’s not a realistic core exercise. Crunches may also be rough on the back and neck, so they might not be healthy for everyone. You can try alternative activities such as a bird dog or a mountain climber, instead. Not only can these movements require several core muscles, they also place less tension on the back. When you perform the maneuver wrong, the crunch does not provide any gain and potential damage. Move slowly and with the goal of achieving the best results with any repetition.

Concentrate on the abs anatomical role as the ribs and pelvis connector, and you draw these areas together when you crunch. The crunch strengthens the abdominal rectum by flexing it. You would think the sit-up would offer the same gain, but more so because you are going higher.

Plank —

Move your feet back with your heels raised from the tabletop position. Put your body in a straight line. In a mirror. Engage the heart, arm, and leg muscles. Hold here for at least one minute. Spend 10 to 20 minutes performing variations of Plank pose. The plank targets almost every group of muscles inside our body. Which means adding planks to your exercise routine will improve your whole body. But there’s something to it — the planks don’t just boost muscle mass. They boost the strength of our nervous system, strengthen our ability to concentrate and focus, and even help us breathe properly.

The chances are fairly small, and the amount of planking you ‘d have to do is utterly insane, but doing a plank as part of a diverse routine offers some incredible benefits. Planks are a very flexible workout that targets many of the body’s most significant muscle groups. In certain cases, the core muscle groups are responsible for helping us carry out nearly every activity we do in a day, and ensuring that the core strength is under control is completely important for someone who wishes to maintain a healthier lifestyle. This advantage is due in part to the enhanced balance that planks offer, but the importance of the plank’s ability to affect back pain merits its own.The plank not only reduces those forms of back pain but also enhances the health of the back as a whole.Planks are ideal for those who are still in pain, or who don’t want to promote the onset of chronic pain problems such as osteoarthritis.

Planks reinforce a lot of muscle classes, as well as the skeletal system, in ways that help the body structure itself stronger. Having a body that retains and composes itself correctly ensures that you may be less at risk of developing degenerative diseases and can likely reduce the onset of pain in old age. The body uses its core muscles to help maintain equilibrium.

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Lunges —

Stand erect apart with feet hip-width. Get the heart active. Take a big step forward with the right leg. Start moving your weight forward so the heel first touches the ground. Lower your body so the right thigh is parallel to the ground and the right shine is vertical. It’s OK if the knee moves a little forward as long as it doesn’t go right toe through. If stability allows, touch the left knee gently on the floor while holding weight in the right foot. Press in the right heel to move back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Lunges work the large muscle groups in the lower body, which create muscle leans and minimize body fat.

It can improve your sleeping metabolism, allowing you to lose more calories and reduce extra weight. Lungs are better than bilateral recovery exercises as they can fix imbalances and misalignments in your body and make it more symmetrical. Lungs strengthen your back and core muscles without adding too much tension or pressure on your spine. These target the inner and outer thighs and can also help to will the cellulite effect. You’ll need balance and flexibility to do walking lungs.The walking approach targets the heart, knees, and glutes, and the overall stability increases. They also enhance your range of motion and help develop your daily functional movements. Curtsy lungs are perfect for strengthening and toning your back, which is good for your posture. However, good glutes avoid and relieve back and knee pain, both of which help improve your athletic performance and reduce the risk of injury.

Burpees —

Start in a squat position with your knees bent, back straight, and shoulder-width feet apart. Lower your hands to the floor in front of you so they’re just above your feet. With your weight on your hands, move your feet back so you’re on your hands and toes, and in a push-up position. Do a frog kick by jumping your feet back to their starting position. Stand up and stretch your arms above your head. Do not let your back sag or stick your butt in the air.Swiftly leap into the air so that you land right where you started. As soon as you land with knees bent, get into a squat position and do another repeat.

Which means they ‘re using resistance to your body weight. The emphasis is on a full-body calisthenics routine with burpees, which helps to develop muscle strength and stamina in both the lower and upper body.A burpee is basically a two-part movement: a pushup followed by a jump in the air. Despite the funny name, and maybe not as well known as pushups or squats, burpees are a demanding exercise that works all of the different muscle groups in your body. What makes them tiring and exhausting is also what makes them a highly successful workout that can help develop strength , endurance and cardio fitness.

Jog —

Jogging is a form of continuous running or trotting at a slow , steady pace. This is much slower than running, but more quickly than walking. The main aim of jogging is to keep the speed without adding a lot of pressure to the body. It hurts the body less, uses even less energy and thus can last a longer period. A half hour jog burns about 300 calories quickly. Jogging increases the metabolism and is more efficient than walking. Jogging is an outstanding cardiovascular exercise that improves the heart ‘s health. It helps to hold heart attacks and infections at bay. Jogging means blood is pumped to the heart faster and thus reduces blood pressure up.There is also regulation of cholesterol and blood glucose levels. Jogging is known to increase the development of lymphocytes and macrophages that battle infection in the body.

This helps prevent respiratory infections such as flu and common cold and certain bacterial infections as well. Jogging helps soothe and relax the mind. This removes stress and anxiety and also eliminates distracting thoughts from the mind. Jogging has a positive effect on people and shifts their attitudes and outlook towards a healthier appearance. Jogging advantages are such that you tend to look fresher and more youthful.That is because jogging means that oxygen and blood is supplied to the skin. Jogging encourages not only physical but also mental health. Jogging makes you happier, and battles tension and depression. This reduces exhaustion, increases white blood cell development in the body and builds up immunity. Eat a safe and balanced diet. You must increase your fluid intake and drink plenty of water. Never eat directly before or after run.

Carry your cellphone with you.Inform a member or friend of your family before going for a jog. Also, tell them where and when you’re going to go. Don’t play really loud music on your headphones or earphones. Be alert. Do not move into abandoned roads and jogging areas. If you injure yourself while jogging, raise an alarm or call for medical assistance.

Stretch —

Stretching a warm muscle is easier, because warm muscles are more comfortable and have more range of motion. Walking briskly or jogging for five minutes is, however, a good warm-up to stretch, before you crack a light sweat. For a ideal world, you can stretch into and after your workout for a few minutes. Constant stretching will help improve your flexibility, which is vital to your overall health. Not only can increased flexibility help you carry out day-to-day tasks more quickly, but it can also help mitigate the decreased mobility that can result from aging.

Tight muscles will make your range of motion decrease. If this happens, you raise the risk of straining your back muscles. Relaxing will help relieve an ongoing back injury by relaxing the muscles. There’s a fair chance the muscles get stressed when you’re feeling stress. That’s because, in reaction to physical and emotional stress, your muscles begin to tense up. Participating in a routine stretching exercise not only helps improve your endurance, it can also relax your mind.

Jumping Jacks —

Jumping jacks are an easy total-body exercise you can do just about anywhere. This movement is part of what’s called plyometrics, or jump training. Begin by standing straight with your legs and your arms at your sides. Jump up and spread your feet out to the hip-width while raising your arms above your head, almost touching. Jumping again, lowering your arms and keeping your legs together. Return to your starting spot. Jumping jacks will help spice up your daily routine or even inspire you for a new plan to start fresh.

High Knees —

Stand apart with hip-width of your feet. To raise your right knee to your shoulder, raise your left knee. Start the movement, switch legs and push at a sprinting or running pace. High Knees is a fast-paced cardio-intensive exercise. This stimulates your brain, strengthens all of your legs’ muscles, increases your heart rate, and enhances power, balance, and endurance. This will help you lose fat at a quicker rate, as that, in effect, improves your metabolism as you do more aerobic workouts.If you don’t really feel up to running for hours at the end, or you just have a little time to spare, high knees are a great choice to take you well on your way to achieving the lean, defined physics you like.

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Important Workouts for Weight Loss:


Swimming is the best way to get the entire body moving and the cardiovascular system. One hour of swimming absorbs approximately as many calories as running without damaging the muscles or joints. Swimming will also help to ease some of your pain or improve your injury recovery. One studies showed that individuals with osteoarthritis registered major decreases in joint pain and stiffness, and faced less physical restrictions following activities such as swimming and cycling. Swimming can raise the risk of asthma because of the chemicals used to clean baths. Swimming can also help to relieve some of the pain or improve recovery from an injury. Swimming in the evening will help you sleep better. Swimming is accessible to a wide range of people who cope with physical conditions which make other activities less attractive, such as running. This could make swimming a healthy choice for older adults looking to make their sleep easier. Swimming is a way that can be potentially helpful in reducing tension.

Swimming is generally considered safer during pregnancy, some women may have limitations on exercise due to the complications of pregnancy. Swimming is a enjoyable activity that does not necessarily feel like formal exercise. Your child may either do organized swimming lessons or be part of a swimming team. Swimming may also be an inexpensive fitness choice compared to others.


Yoga is a discipline rooted in a long tradition of teaching you the resources and principles for empowering yourself. And with accessibility at its best — from instructors to knowledge — everyone can begin to practice yoga. Yoga practice can help with body awareness, flexibility , strength, stability and balance. It also allows you to transition into a more relaxed state, which can help lower tension, increase concentration, and foster a better link with yourself. If you are a beginner to yoga, it would be best to take a few lessons before you start at home. A instructor will help ensure that you don’t do yoga wrong, and that you develop bad form. When you feel confident, you can then work out at home.Look beyond a strictly physical yoga practice, to explore its mental , emotional and energetic results.

Note the details and practice the subtle signals to create strength. Lose yourself in the realistic fine details. Seek to string postures around the breath rope, such as pearls on a string. Yoga can help alleviate stress and lower the stress hormone levels cortisol. Practicing yoga may contribute to a decrease in anxiety. Yoga symptoms may minimize inflammatory markers in the body and help prevent pro-inflammatory diseases. Alone or in combination with a healthy lifestyle, yoga can help to decrease risk factors in the body.Yoga can improve quality of life and may be used as an alternative therapy for some conditions. Yoga may reduce symptoms of depression by affecting the development of stress hormones in the body. Yoga can help to reduce chronic pain in conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and osteoarthritis. Yoga can help improve the quality of sleep due to its influence on melatonin and its impact on many common contributors to sleep problems.

Yoga can stimulate the nerve of the vagus and minimize the severity and frequency of migraines, alone or in conjunction with traditional care. Yoga promotes mindfulness, which can be used to facilitate healthier nutrition and safe eating habits.Yoga can lead to increased energy, endurance and flexibility.