Review of Corporate Finance
Editorial Aims and Scope
The Review of Corporate Finance (Official Page; Copy of Hardcover of the journal; Google Scholar Page) (RCF) offers an outlet for high-quality scholarly work on corporate finance. RCF welcomes both empirical and theoretical studies on corporate finance. RCF also welcomes methodological contributions, commentaries and review articles. RCF is covered by Scopus.
Please see the presentation file on publishing in RCF. And please see the announcement of RCF.
RCF encourages novel approaches and new topics. Papers should significantly extend what has been done in the past. Corporate finance, while based on the finance discipline, has research contributions from other areas including law, economics, management, and political science. RCF by design will be an interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary journal that welcomes different types of methodological approaches with a view to improved dialogue and scholarship on all relevant topics, ranging from the intersection of corporate finance with entrepreneurship, fintech, labor relations, legal standards, politics, and sustainability.
RCF is published by Now Publishers ( Authors of accepted papers of Now Publications keep copyright, and merely license to Now the commercial rights; authors are free to publish their work in any derivative form including abridgments or expansion into a book (providing that complete acknowledgment is given to the original source of the publication). Now publishes in electronic and print formats, and provides the authors with PDF for their own use as well as for self-archiving at their own institutions.
The Editorial Team comprises a diverse set of experts from around the world. Editors represent all functional areas of corporate finance, with institutional knowledge of all major regions around the world. RCF editors are purposefully based in North America, Europe, and Australasia. RCF does not favor papers from any particular region from the world. RCF encourages submissions of original papers with novel ideas regardless of the country of origin and/or specific area of corporate finance.
Exploratory studies that develop new scholarly areas of inquiry are encouraged. RCF welcomes empirical studies that improve on methods used in earlier work by extending sample periods, using improved methods to establish causal inference, and/or use more detailed data than that which was previously available. Honest empirical studies (without p-hacking) that show insignificance are as welcome as honest studies that show significance. RCF also welcomes papers that show that results of previously published papers in corporate finance are not as robust as claimed.
Empirical studies can be based on aggregated regional or national data. RCF accepts datasets from all countries around the world, including developed and emerging markets. Multi-country or multi-region studies are encouraged where it is feasible to implement. Theoretical studies can include mathematical models (as in economics/finance), qualitative analyses (as in management and entrepreneurship), legal or institutional perspectives.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
capital structure
corporate and securities law
corporate culture
corporate failure
corporate finance and public policy
corporate governance
corporate restructuring
corporate social responsibility
dividends, payout policy, and repurchases
entrepreneurial finance, private equity, and private debt
family business
financial contracting
financial intermediation
financial literacy
IPOs and SEOs
mergers and acquisitions
private equity
trade credit
socially responsible investments
sustainable finance
real options
venture capital