Voice of youth

Voice Of Youth

Rotaract club of cahcet is organizing this Competition for the school & college students in order to motivate them to overcome stage fear and showcase their talents. Debate is a sport which trains one’s analytical, critical, and quick thinking, persuasive speaking, note-taking, speed reading, and in-depth research. Debate does not only teach a person how to win an argument, but also instructs the person for a great amount of life essential skills.



  • Participants will be expected to prepare a speech on any topic for 2min.


  • Participants will have to prepare their speech once they have selected in the round 1 on the topic given on spot again for 3 min talk .

Extemporaneous speeches will be judged on the following criteria: organization, delivery, how closely speaker followed the rules (time limits, number of words on notes, etc.)

Ticketing Partner

The platforms helps the organisers in Online ticketing and Registration, Marketing and promotion, entry management, analytics and to build students Community.

TCF in the past 5 years has helped events of various colleges(IIT’s, NIT's, IIM's etc) with their event ticketing. With a wide range of solutions, TheCollegeFever has partnered with 2100+ colleges across India. TCF is also recognized as "Start Up" by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.

" let truth be thy aim, not victory, or an unjust interest. "

“Just speak up!” You’ve probably heard these words many times. Speech is the core channel through which we solve problems, reach our goals, and interact with the world. Even though sharing one’s thoughts and experiences in public is intimidating for some, there are many outstanding speech contest formats that can work with any audience.

To register through Collegefever.com :